
Are you Turves Green Boys’ School Alumni?


If you’re a former student of Turves Green Boys’ School, we want to hear from you!

Your experiences since leaving could help to motivate and inspire our current students to feel more confident in making decisions about their future. We’d love you to join our Alumni Network and stay connected with the school.

We’ve partnered with the national education charity Future First, who specialise in helping schools like ours to stay connected with their former students. 

You can choose how and when you help – perhaps you can act as a career and education role model, provide work experience or become a mentor in person or online.

To sign up, just follow this link and fill in the online form – we promise it will only take a couple of minutes

We look forward to hearing from you.


Age UK Assembly

Last week the pupils of TGBS had the pleasure of speaking with the CEO of Age UK Birmingham, Steve Thompson. The purpose of this assembly was to encourage students to actively engage in discussions and brainstorming on ways to support and assist the elderly in our local community. The CEO’s visit provided a unique opportunity for our pupils to interact with a leader in the field of senior care and contribute ideas that can make a tangible impact on the lives of those in need.

The assembly with the Age UK marked a significant milestone in our school’s ongoing commitment to community service. It provided students with an invaluable opportunity to build upon the impactful initiatives they have undertaken this year. From successful fundraising campaigns to heart-warming visits to local care homes, our pupils have demonstrated time and again their dedication to making a positive difference in the lives of others. The assembly served as a catalyst for further exploration and ideation, allowing students to delve into new and innovative ways to extend their support and create lasting change in the community.

Drawing inspiration from their past experiences, students are now gearing up to implement exciting new projects that transcend traditional forms of community outreach. The assembly acted as a platform for the announcement of these initiatives, sparking enthusiasm and a renewed sense of purpose among the pupils.

We are thrilled about the progress of our growing partnership with Age UK and are unwavering in our commitment to creating a meaningful and lasting impact on our local community. Stay tuned for our upcoming event in collaboration with Age UK, set to be launched before the half term break – an opportunity for our school community to come together and make a positive difference!


Fitness Club

At Turves Green Boys’ School, we believe that instilling healthy habits and promoting physical fitness is essential for the overall well-being of our students. Our after-school fitness sessions offer a dynamic and engaging environment where our pupils can cultivate a love for fitness. These sessions encompass a range of activities, including the use of assisted weight machines and cardio exercises, all aimed at highlighting the importance of fitness for young individuals.

Physical fitness plays a crucial role in the holistic development of children in their secondary school years. Engaging in regular exercise not only improves physical health but also enhances mental well-being, self-confidence, and academic performance. By participating in our fitness sessions, students develop lifelong habits that promote a healthy lifestyle and equip them with the tools to manage stress effectively. Moreover, physical fitness fosters discipline, perseverance, and teamwork, which are essential skills for success both inside and outside the classroom.

Participating in our fitness sessions offers students numerous benefits that extend beyond physical fitness. Regular exercise helps students manage their weight, reduces the risk of chronic diseases, and promotes healthy growth and development. It also fosters a positive body image and boosts self-confidence. Furthermore, these sessions create a supportive and inclusive environment, encouraging teamwork, camaraderie, and sportsmanship among students.

We are proud of our students’ commitment and enthusiasm in participating in these fitness sessions. Their dedication to personal growth and well-being is inspiring, and we are confident that the skills they acquire will serve them not only during their time in secondary school but also in their future endeavours.


Year 11 Apprenticeship Support

We are currently providing a range of support to our Y11 pupils who are interested in pursuing an apprenticeship after school. Our pupils have recently had bespoke application support for the BMW apprenticeship scheme and our pupils will continue to receive guidance from Mr Tehan, as they progress through the process. We also had representatives from Samuel Taylor Ltd and Collins Aerospace join us on Thursday 1st February to talk pupils through the application process, as well as hearing from some current apprentices.


Y10 Keble College – Oxford University Visit

On Wednesday 31st January, a group of our Y10 pupils visited Oxford University in order to gain an insight into what university life is like. Students visited both Keble and Christchurch College. Christchurch college famously being one of the settings for the film series Harry Potter. Between tours of the colleges, pupils were able to experience a flavour of university life by having lunch in Keble College’s great hall. As well as developing their knowledge, pupils came away from the visit with a new-found level of aspiration and motivation to succeed.


Turing Trip – Italy

On Tuesday 23rd of January, 50 pupils from the Matrix Academy Trust travelled from Gatwick Airport for a trip to Rome with the Turing Scheme. The Turing Scheme is a government initiative that fully funds a range of international opportunities for young people to go abroad and experience different cultures around the globe. Pupils who participate in this scheme are selected via criteria provided by the Department for Education.

After a smooth journey and arriving at our hostel, we made a swift departure to our first activity. Our group of 55 tackled the metro for the first time and walked our way to “Aroma Ostia” where our host school met us for an Italian cooking masterclass. During this class, our Chef taught us how to make pasta from scratch, along with the art of producing “carbonara” sauce, a dish that was born in Italy.

Throughout the week our mornings consisted of a rotation between groups, some taking themselves back to ancient Rome by visiting the Colosseum, some visited Castel Sant’Angelo which was commissioned by the Roman Emperor Hadrian as a mausoleum, and some visiting our Italian partner school learning about various aspects of their culture including music, literature, fashion and food. One group even took part in an inclusion workshop raising awareness of disabilities.

After lunch, our pupils came back together and started their week by being trained as true gladiators at the gladiator school. This included a fitness assault course, practicing and testing a variety of fighting techniques before our Empress (Ms Callanan) would decide their fate. Pupils also opened their mind into the “museum of dreamers” experiencing an adult-size ball pit, various illusions and not to mention beating their fears (literally). Our afternoon of imagination delved deeper into Vigamus where pupils were led on journey of time on the evolution of video games. Our sightseeing continued when strolling down the Spanish Steps to the renowned Trevi Fountain before dining in a local restaurant.

Our final few days were spent zipping through the trees of Rome at Eurpark High Ropes. It was incredible to see the number of pupils who overcame their fears and pushed through their limits to reach new heights before we caught the train to the shores of Ostia, where some pupils even dipped their toes in the sea! Mount Vesuvius was our next destination, with a 20 minute hike up to the viewpoint at the top of the volcano and a further 5 minutes to the crater. Pupils were in awe of the beauty of the bay of Naples, before seeing the steam being produced out of the dormant volcano. Having learnt about the history of Vesuvius, our next stop was the Herculaneum, a UNESCO heritage site which was covered in volcanic ash and rediscovered during excavations in the mid 18th century.

We couldn’t have left Rome before visiting the Stadio Olimpico, home to football clubs Roma and Lazio, and currently hosting the six nations! Following this, we took a trip abroad whilst abroad by visiting the Vatican City, the world’s smallest country! This tour included a visit to the Sistine Chapel, famous for papal ceremonies and used by the sacred college of cardinals.

Our week in Italy was spent experiencing various aspects of culture, encountering many new experiences and bringing more of our students together to create stronger connections.

Our pupils share their thoughts:

“The trip to italy was really great. I am very happy to have had the chance to go on a trip like this for free and have made so many friends in the process. I liked the rooms at the hostel, and how stress-free you guys made everything by everything being so organised and how there was a diverse range of things to do. The metro and bus rides were good, and got less busy due to good planning. Some things that we did that I thought I wouldn’t enjoy I turned out liking such as the school visit. The children there were lovely and despite the struggle communicating with some words, it was fun talking to them about what their life is like and comparing ours together. The museum of dreamers was my favourite because it was unlike anything I have ever done before. It was a unique experience which helped me with insight and keeping an open mind. I liked seeing the sights such as the colosseum, the Herculaneum and museums like the Vatican, gaming and the dream one. I liked the Vatican and the castle a lot because it was nice to see religious artefacts and art that I have always wanted to see. Thank you for the opportunity and choosing a great city like Rome.” – Alfie

“This trip to Italy was amazing, I’m so thankful I’ve had the opportunity to go to such a great place and it being free! Thanks to Ms Callanan, Mr Kendall, Mr Aspinall, Ms Thomson, and Ms Thompson. This week has been really fun and I haven’t felt this happy in ages! 10/10″ – Dylan


Year 7 Christian Creation

Year 7 are currently working on religious stories about creation. In their lesson this week they were asked to create a story board explaining the main six days of the Christian Creation story. This is an example from Jensen Mahoney. Well done, Jensen.


Kooth Assemblies

At Turves Green Boys’ School, we prioritise the wellbeing of our pupils, with a strong emphasis on supporting their emotional and mental health. This week, we had the privilege of hosting a representative from Kooth who conducted assemblies for all our pupils, placing special emphasis on addressing and managing examination stress for our Key Stage 4 pupils.

Kooth serves as a valuable resource dedicated to supporting young people. Functioning as an online platform, it offers a secure and confidential space for young people to access mental health and wellbeing support. Through Kooth, individuals can connect with a team of qualified counsellors who are available to engage in conversations about their concerns and challenges. Whether facing stress, anxiety, or other emotional issues, Kooth is specifically designed as a supportive environment where young people can express themselves openly. Additionally, the platform provides informative articles and forums covering various mental health topics, fostering a community that promotes understanding and connection.

Kooth strives to empower young individuals by offering accessible and timely mental health support.



Drama Workshop

On Friday 26th January the Year 10 Drama Btec group were very lucky to have the opportunity to work with Karen Benjamin a Senior Lecturer in Drama at Gloucester University.

She worked with them on devising scenes. This involves a collaborative process where pupils use their creativity to develop original content based on a theme or text. When working with Year 10 pupils on “Blood Brothers,” encouraging them to devise scenes allows them to interpret the play and express their perspectives. This process not only hones their creative thinking but also nurtures their ability to work in a team. The workshop was not only and excellent opportunity for the boys to work on their drama skills but they were also able to ask questions to a professional performer about how to access the Performing Arts world as a professional Actor.


Launch of Reading Reward Vending Machine

This week we have launched our brand new reading rewards vending machine. Our book vending machine is stocked with a mixture of our ‘16 by 16’ reading challenge and books chosen by our Warhammer and Alliance clubs. Our aim is to promote reading for pleasure for all pupils in all years. This week’s winners chose ‘Shoe Dog’, the biography of the founder of Nike, ‘Touching the Void’, a real-life story of danger and discovery and most popular of all ‘The Philosopher’s Stone’!

Pupils will have an opportunity via their reading ambassadors to select texts to go in the ending machine as prizes

Pupils can be awarded tokens for achieving success across the school. This week’s winning choices were for:

Most improved attitude in Year 11 C Z Wilson

Supporting Indoor Athletics Year 10 A Moulton

Promotion of the Allies Club Y9

Excellence in PE: R Brown

Winning 3 events in Indoor Athletic Y7 Leyton Timmins

Highest Score in Accelerated Reading for their year group: Y7 Praise O Y8 D Conceicaao Y9 S Scott

½ million, 1 million word reader: Y8 D Conceicaao

Most Accelerated tests taken: Y7 K Deady Y8 L Jaison Y9 M Osman

Contact Info

Turves Green, Northfield,

Birmingham, B31 4BS

Contact Number: 0121 483 2890


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