Combined Cadet Force

Combined Cadet Force

Why Join Us?

Pupils who join the CCF can expect to be challenged, both physically and mentally, whether that is through the expectation that they will maintain their own uniform or taking part in leadership exercises aimed at stretching their capabilities. Ultimately, they will become the leaders and instructors for the recruits and cadets that will follow in their footsteps in the years to come. Some will take the academic steps in their stride, but struggle to maintain their uniform, others will lead themselves everywhere but be unable to lead others anywhere. This is where the bond of service will help them to come together to achieve both their own personal goals as well as those of the organisation.

As they progress, cadets will be given the opportunities to take ownership of their activities including: arranging demonstrations for visitors, organising trips, recruit training, mentoring younger cadets and recruits, charitable activities, annual inspections and the overall running of the training programme. This environment will provide opportunity for the cadets to plan, organise and orchestrate, activities from beginning where the need to take control or to support, communicate through both talking and listening, find solutions through knowledge or trial and error, and gain the understanding that failure can teach as much as success, are key factors in developing themselves.

Why Join?

  • To challenge themselves both physically and mentally
  • Gain life skills and Qualifications
  • Bolster their academic skills
  • Learn how Discipline is vital
  • Gain Leadership skills and put them into practice
  • Improve Confidence and self-awareness
  • Learn the importance of Team Work
  • To prepare the cadet for real-world work life
  • Opportunity to develop military skills including marksmanship, first aid, map reading

How to Join?

Joining the CCF programme is a big commitment. It is not an ‘attend when you want to’ club. You are expected to uphold the highest of standards every day in school. Hard work and effort within the Cadet force will give you the opportunity to enhance progression in all areas of your life. – Plt Off Kelley

Application forms can be obtained from the CCF office.

All pupils, when they reach Year 8, are eligible to apply to join the CCF Contingent but places are limited, so a selection and trial period is held in the final term of Year 7 for volunteers to be assessed for suitability. This activity along with the regular parades, takes place each Monday afternoon. Pupils can remain in the Cadets until you leave school in either Year 11, 12 or 13. All the Officers and Civilian Instructors are members of School Staff or Parents.

During their recruitment phase, the trainee cadets will be learning the basics of military drill, which teaches people to obey orders without question and is the basis for teaching teamwork. This is not to make them automatons but help them to identify and function in environments where control, from a safety perspective, must be absolute: Such times are faced by the Police, Ambulance Service, Fire Service, Coastguard and many other organisations on a daily basis. In addition, recruits will also learn about the history of the RAF, Airmanship, Principles of Flight, First Aid and Initial Expedition Training, all of which are focussed on the three targets of camping overnight in a tent, achieving their Part One badge and their first flight in a powered aircraft. On receipt of their Part One badge the recruits become fully fledged Cadets.

As places are limited and there will always be more applicants than places, the Contingent will have high expectations of those granted a place. These expectations will include: consistent attendance in uniform, the highest standards of turnout, and the application of the core ethos. These are Respect, Integrity, Service before Self and Excellence.

The Cadet recruitment programme will operate as an open invite every tuesday to all year 8 pupils starting in September and ending in October. Potential cadets will parade on the amphitheatre at the end of school and the sessions will last until 1630 Hrs. Activities will involve those similar to the Cadet programme.

Cadets wishing to continue after this taster session will be invited to join after the half term break subject to satisfactory attendance and behaviour.

Frequently Asked Questions

An annual cost of £30. This enables the unit to operate and provide cadets with the best possible training both within the school and whilst on residential trips eg. Rock climbing, overnight camping. Financially we are able to provide cadets with a range of Badges, Rank slides, T-shirts throughout the year. This can be paid in full or on set dates throughout the school year. Some additional cost(s) may be incurred but we try to keep these to a minimum. This year cadets will need RAF shoes.(please see the link at the end of this presentation)
If the cadet leaves or is removed from the CCF programme will I get a refund? No, a refund is not available as costs have already been incurred.
Can my child apply if they have poor attendance/behaviour. As the CCF is a flagship programme, Cadets are expected to be role models to the other students in the school. Any student can apply but this is subject to approval form the Heads of House and the Head Teacher.
The CCF is open to everyone. Provision(s) and risk assessments are put in to place for everyone to train. Privacy and discretion are used at all times.
Attendance to CCF activities are required regularly so the Cadet doesn’t fall behind on their training. Attendance to other extracurricular events is encouraged but the balance between these can prove difficult for the cadet. Cadets who are unable to attend a parade night are to inform the Commanding Officer at the earliest opportunity.
Wednesday 3pm – 5pm. Arrangements are to be made for your child to be collected or the Cadet to make their own way home. Weekend activities are organized inline with school policy. Permission letters and activity paperwork to be signed before attendance. This can be at short notice sometimes as we get offered last minute activities.
The Cadet will get RAF blue uniform. We do have spare combat uniform that may be issued to the Cadet but our supplies are quite limited due to sizes. Accidental damage and uniform that is too small need to be reported to a member of the CCF team to allow exchanges of uniform to take place. A small cost may be incurred to replace lost uniform. Please do not purchase uniform off the internet until you have spoken to a member of the CCF team.
Cadets are to be encouraged to participate in the school run DoE scheme. This is a qualification that can be worn on their uniform once completed.
If a Cadet gains qualifications outside of school hours this may be transferred to a CCF qualification, examples: music, first aid, volunteer work etc…