This week, we have additional awards for pupils who have exemplified TURVES Values in the community. Our reading rewards vending machine continues to be a focal point of our celebrations on a Friday lunchtime. Pupils from all year groups are considered and selected for a range of approaches to demonstrating our TURVES Values., contributions in the community and extra-curricular efforts.
Y7- Yisehaq E- OUTSTANDING PUPIL. If there would be a pupil to nominate for meeting all the TGBS values/ Excellent attitude towards learning it would be Yisehaq
George J 8B2 and Jamie A8A1.
Have found a credit card outside and handed it into reception.
I have checked the name on SIMS and they aren't a contact for anyone so it must be a member
of the public. I will keep it safe for a while, then shred it if nobody claims it.
Y8 Freddy G 8A1 and Jack C 8B1 found a credit card on the way to school.
I have phoned the Girls school and it belongs to one of their pupils, so I have arranged
for her to collect it from reception after school.
Year 9: Mohammad A– Has continued to demonstrate our values, despite the changes to his form recently (despite him not wanting to put a blue tie back on). Excellent attitude towards lessons and extra-curricular activities
Y10 – Thomas H – Nominated by form tutors. Solid defensive midfielder type of student – keeps scoreline stable and will make incisive passes (answers) to questions. Can most certainly be relied upon to keep team morale up.
Year 11: Victor M: A great pupil who consistently shows an excellent attitude towards his studies in all subjects.