Every year on March 14th, mathematicians and enthusiasts around the world celebrate Pi Day, honouring the infinite number π. Pi, the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, plays a crucial role in mathematics, engineering, and space exploration.
This year, our school embraced the spirit of Pi Day with an exciting mathematical puzzle challenge.
Students took part in a hidden question hunt, searching for multiple-choice maths questions placed around the building. Each question tested their knowledge of pi, circles, and logical reasoning. Correct answers provided a letter, and once all were found, they had to be rearranged to spell the surname of a teacher—the final key to solving the puzzle.
Pi is more than just a number—it’s a symbol of the infinite possibilities of mathematics. By participating in challenges like this, students learn that maths isn’t just about equations—it’s a thrilling puzzle waiting to be solved. A massive congratulations to all participants, especially C. Kunzwa 9A1 and Y. Khan 9T1 who were the first to hunt down Mr Downham and deliver the code. Stay curious and remember—maths is everywhere!