Following a very successful academic year in 22/23 gaining our online safety badge, 1 of 5 prestigious awards for Princess Diana Award. We are proud to share our success with our anti-bullying ambassadors so far this academic year. Recently we participated in a focus group. The staff at the Princess Diana Anti-Bullying Award were really impressed with our journey since starting the award in the academic year of 22/23 and since then embedding anti-bullying core values within our school values. Following this meeting, the Diana award are going to be writing an article for their website based on their findings from within the focus group. They hope to complete this early February and will be shared on both our school website and the Princess Diana Award website.
Furthermore, this week 20 of our pupils took part in the, Diana Award Anti-Racism Ambassador Training. They successfully completed the training and we have now 1 of 5 actions complete in order to gain our second badge ‘wellbeing badge’.