
AMSP Year 10 Maths Feast

On Thursday a team of 4 year 10 students competed in this year’s AMSP Maths Feast. Students from 10 different schools comprising of 16 different teams tested their maths knowledge, logic and problem-solving skills against each other in 4 different rounds.

In the first round, students answered maths questions in the style of Only Connect, Richard Osman’s House of Games and The 1% Club.

Round two was a cross number which had a variety of questions that all fit together into a diamond shaped grid with overlapping answers getting all but 1 question correct and scoring very highly.

The Maths Hatters round was third where students were given computer science logical rules on what coloured hat one of three people had to wear and investigated how many different possible combinations there where. 

Finally, the team created 2 different 3D shapes out of paper and had to investigate the mathematical properties that link a cube and an icosahedron. A round where W.Cornick 10T1 came into his own having done origami since he was 7.

Though unfortunately we didn’t not win a round, our team did fantastically at working together as a team and working of each other’s strengths. They did well to manage the short 20-minutes for each round and having a go at every question put to them.


Design Technology has returned to Turves Green Boys School. 

Year 7 students have been using the laser cutter to create acrylic “dog tags”, learning about our dependence on plastics and developing their practical skills with hand tools and machinery. They have also been learning about electronics and using soldering techniques to join metals together.

Year 8 students have been creating console controller holders using the 3 main material categories. Learning about the properties of different material groups and their uses in the “real world” of Engineering. They have cold forged metals using hand tools, used heat to form plastics and adhesives to laminate woods.


Careers Week in the Maths Department

This week the maths department has run themed lessons for KS3 classes discuss career opportunities that maths can lead you to. Students had a brief overview of several different career opportunities in their lesson and then got a deep dive into one of the 4 following jobs completing activities related to it.

Students looking at being a games designer found out more about the maths involved in creating loot boxes and market places in the game and got to design their own games.

Architect students looked at the plans and elevations of different famous buildings to try and guess what the building was as well as creating their own plans and elevations of building blocks.

Programmer students looked at how vectors are used to move characters in video games and moved their own characters earning points on a paper map.

Finally, codebreaker students looked at codebreaking throughout history and how ciphers have been used since the ancient Egyptian times to hide messages.

Students also talked about a variety of different jobs in maths including stockbrokers, quantity surveyors, sales associates and accountants.


British Science Week

This week is British Science week. To celebrate our Y8 students got a copy of the fantastic “Splash” magazine produced by researchers at the University of Birmingham and Loughborough University.

The magazine, which focusses on sustainability, contains researcher profiles and a host of experiments that students can try at home including making their own red cabbage indicator and fantastic freebies including colouring pencils and strawberry seeds! We also spent some of form time completing the “colour by pH” challenges.

Many thanks to the researchers and The Royal Society of Chemistry and The Faraday Institution for providing such a fantastic resource.


RSPCA Autumn Term

Our Turves Green Boys pupils embarked on a six-session trip to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), delving into the world of animal welfare and activities.

Throughout the excursion, pupils engaged in hands-on activities designed to cultivate a deeper understanding towards animals. They completed a number of activities whilst at the RSPCA, one of which was walking a couple shelter dogs, who had been rehomed, which provided pupils with a first-hand experience of the joy of companionship and the importance of exercise for the well-being of animals. They completed gardening sessions where the pupils learned planting flowers and vegetables, and tending to green spaces. In addition, the pupils completed woodwork sessions, creating Bird Houses which were gifted to the Eco-Committee which showcased our Turves Values by sharing and supporting our local environment.

Overall, the trip to the RSPCA left a profound impact on our pupils, we are pleased of their engagement and dedication throughout the experience. We extend our gratitude to the staff and volunteers at the RSPCA for their dedication to animal welfare and for providing our pupils with an unforgettable learning experience.


Katch 22 Production of ‘An Inspector Calls’

Our Y11 pupils were treated to a live performance of their GCSE English Literature text ‘An Inspector Calls’ this morning. Ahead of their final GCSE exams, pupils watched the actors explore key themes, character and quotes live and in role. Following the performance, the actors hosted a Q&A session and explained some of their directorial choices. The boys enjoyed the performance and will be well equipped to use the performance in their mock feedback lessons and their final examinations in May. Katch 22 will be returning to TGBS in April to perform Macbeth for our Y10 and 11 pupils.


Creative Arts Showcase

The school’s talented performers are diligently preparing for the upcoming Showcase on Monday 18th March. This exciting event will showcase the pupils’ dedication and artistry through a variety of acts, including dramatic excerpts from Matilda, vibrant street dance routines, and individual musical performances that highlight each pupil’s unique talents. The rehearsals are in full swing as the pupils put the finishing touches on their pieces, determined to deliver a captivating and professional-quality show for the audience. It promises to be an entertaining evening that displays the school’s diverse performing arts Curriculum.

The doors will open at 6:00pm, at which time guests can explore the pupil art exhibition while enjoying light refreshments. Following this the performances will take place in the school Main Hall from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. Secure your spot for this not-to-be-missed event by purchasing tickets, available now at the front office. We look forward to celebrating the arts with you!


County Lines Awareness Week

At Turves Green Boys’ School, the safety and well-being of our pupils takes precedence above all else. During the week commencing Monday, March 4th, 2024, we observed County Lines Awareness Week. Pupils across all year groups participated in activities dedicated to raising awareness about this issue. These activities included an extended assembly conducted by Mr. Rogers, Assistant Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead. The assembly aimed to ensure that pupils grasp the concept of County Lines, understand who is vulnerable, recognise the signs of exploitation, and know what steps to take if they or someone they know might be at risk.

It was wonderful to see all pupils engage with this topic maturely, sparking insightful discussions between pupils and staff.


Get Caught Reading

A further part of our World Book Day celebrations was our fabulous staff ‘Get Caught Reading’ competition. Staff dressed up in some weird and wonderful outfits as well as posing in unusual places whilst reading. Photos were collated, and pupils guessed who was who during form time. The pupils to guess the most from correctly won tokens from our book rewards vending machine.


Warhammer Alliance visits Warhammer World

On Wednesday over 30 students from the Warhammer Alliance visited the home of Warhammer in Nottingham, Warhammer World, where all Warhammer models are designed and made.

Whilst there students got to visit the exhibit hall which displays the professionally painted miniatures used on the websites and box art as well as the huge dioramas. This included the largest Warhammer diorama in the world called the Battle for Angelus Prime where students searched to find a hidden assassin for a chance to win their own to take home. Unfortunately, even with a close called by J. Jeremy 9A2, the assassin remained hidden.

We stopped for lunch in Bugmans bar. A fantasy themed dwarven bar with helmet, shields and weapons on the wall, as well as a decapitated orc head. The rest of our day was spent in the gaming hall where students received free starter models from the staff at Warhammer World that they could build, paint and then take home with them.

Students also got to visit the Warhammer shop and purchase models to take home and build at Warhammer Alliance through the rest of the year. With it also being Warhammer Worlds Store anniversary, many students were also able to get some free pins and coins along with their purchases. Students had a fantastic time and took part in a mini photography competition whilst there too. The results of which will be announced at Warhammer Alliance next week.

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Turves Green, Northfield,

Birmingham, B31 4BS

Contact Number: 0121 483 2890


Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

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