On Friday 29th September, Turves Green Boys’ School welcomed two members of the Department for Education to see what life at our school is like. Andrew Warren (Regional Director for the West Midlands) and Rich Jones (Delivery Team Leader) visited on Friday morning and had chance to experience what Turves Green Boys’ is like in operation. Following a discussion with Mr Till, Mrs Draycott and Mr Lowbridge-Ellis, they toured the school witnessing a range of different activities including a performance from ‘Oliver!’ by our Drama pupils, marching drill practice by our CCF cohort and visiting a range of different lessons across the school. Perhaps one of the highlights of the tour was also visiting our Hospitality and Catering pupils who had made cakes and sausage rolls for residents from our local community. Andrew Warren was very impressed following his morning at Turves Green Boys’ School and later remarked: “A really enjoyable visit to a school with such a vibrant and can-do culture. The visit highlighted what difference a strong trust can make in a previous failing school. So good to meet with pupils and hear their perspective. Their home-made sausage rolls were pretty special too!”