As Spring 1 has begun, the boys have began their dive into plays and drama in English. The English department is thrilled to show off on this post how engaged and brilliant the students attitude is towards the plays.
In KS3 we are currently teaching The Tempest (Y7), Blood Brother (Y8) and Romeo and Juliet (Y9). The boys are reading and, recently, we have introduced a little more drama into our lessons!
Our Trainee, Nat, worked with the Y8’s to create freeze frames for the prologue of Blood Brothers. The boys reflected on the key theme of tragedy to inspire their presentation of the separation of Mickey and Edward and also their death. The Y8’s managed to capture the pain and grief of the play whilst also building on skills like team work, organisation and physical coordination.
In Y9, the boys have been focussing on themes of fate and love. During Miss Tom’s English lessons they have been re-enacting the romance of the first meeting at Capulet’s ball while considering ideas surrounding affection and the concept of love at first sight.
Finally, in Y7 the boys have been focussing on threats and insults between Caliban and Prospero. They have understood how anger can be performed through tone of voice and how meaning can be shifted due to projection of voice.
Below are some photos of the fantastic team work and resilience in these tasks from the boys in Y8 that we hope you enjoy 😊