The English Department ran a scary poetry competition, open to all years, during the spooky season of Halloween!
The task started with inspiration during form time where students were exploring three different types of poems structures and what they could potentially submit. Over the span of the final week of term to the start of the next, students handed in a range of ballad, rhyming, acrostic, haiku and free verse poems - we even received a booklet of three poems from one of our winners!
There were some really eerie and uncanny poems but as a department we have decided our three winners are:
• J. Choi 9A1

T. Shafiq 9A2

H. Abdalla 9A1

We also thought these students deserved a special mention for their creepy work:
E. Ford 8B1
L. Ncube 7T2
T. Clarke 9A1
The English Department thoroughly enjoyed reading everyone’s submissions and want to say a big thank to all the students who participated 😊