It brings me immense joy to introduce myself as the Headteacher of Turves Green Boys' School. Our school has embraced a new 'hub model,' alongside Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School, where I, Mr. Till, serve as Headteacher for both schools. Mr. Walker assumes the role of Head of School at Turves Green Boys' School, overseeing day-to-day management and operations. For further details regarding the 'hub model,' please refer to the video below.
Since my appointment as Headteacher in May 2021, I've guided our dedicated staff in establishing the essential foundations which make our school a special place for pupils to develop and flourish.
Each member of the staff here devotes their time and effort to ensuring that every pupil succeeds and reaches their full potential. Teachers and support staff are led by strong leaders who share your ambition for your child. It is our firm belief that every child should have high aspirations, and we will work relentlessly to ensure that this is achieved for the pupils of Turves Green Boys' School.
Our pupils are held to high standards of conduct and behaviour in school and in the community, as well as the way in which they wear their uniforms with pride. They must work hard in order to attain success while upholding the Turves Values.
You can learn a great deal about us on our website, which is a valuable source of information and communication. As a school, we use this platform to share and celebrate the wonderful achievements and successes of our pupils.
I am confident that you have chosen Turves Green Boys' School for its values and commitment to ensuring your child's success. It will be a pleasure to welcome your child to Turves Green Boys' School and to work with you over the next five years.
Mr Till - Headteacher

Mr Walker - Head of School
As you start to think about leaving Primary school and the move to Secondary school, you should remember why you chose Turves Green Boys' School.
Striving for Excellence
Our school community is proudly diverse and we do not tolerate bias, prejudice or discrimination of any kind – whether conscious or unconscious – and we instil in our pupils nothing less than the urge to go out into the world and make it a better place.
Our Values
At Turves Green Boys’ School, we are proud that our pupils embrace the TURVES Values in everything they do. Our TURVES Values Representatives help to promote our core values; each value is linked to the British values. Read More HERE.
Uniform Expectations
Dress for Success
What Will I Learn?
House System
When you start at Turves Green Boys’ School you will be placed into a ‘House’. This will be like your family at school and your Head of House will monitor all of your successes and any areas you might struggle with.
They will contact home to discuss ways in which we can work together to ensure that you achieve your best.
If you have any worries on a day to day basis, you’ll be able to talk to your Form Tutor who will work with your Head of House to help you resolve them.
All of Year 7 have lunch at the same time so you will be able to see your friends. You can buy a meal deal which includes a drink for £2.40. You will need money on your Matrix Academy Trust App account to buy refreshments.
You can bring a packed lunch or buy a sandwich or sub roll at lunch time. Members of Leadership will be on duty during break and lunch time. You can view the school’s menu HERE.
Our school must be seen as part of a wider community which includes parents, carers, friends and neighbours, upon whose cooperation we depend.
We feel that home-school contact is important if pupils are to obtain the full benefit from their education. If you wish to contact the school on any matter, please write to or phone your child’s Head of House or email: postbox@tgbs.co.uk.
If you wish to see the Headteacher about a most serious matter, please write to, email the school postbox or telephone and make an appointment for a mutually convenient time. Relatively routine matters should always be referred to the Head of House in the first instance. Conversely, if serious problems present themselves at school, the Head of House or a senior member of staff will ask to see you. If this happens, the problem is serious and we ask for your full support in the interests of your child.
The school Newsletter and school letters are published electronically on our website to keep you informed about all school matters. We use the Weduc app to share updates with parents and carers. It is pivotal that you ensure the school has your most up to date contact details at all times to enable us to communicate and update you via our text message service.
Parents are expected to attend all Parents' Evenings which are held for each year group. Details will be sent out in advance and these meetings are seen as a vital part of the communication process between home and school. Other information evenings are also held for parents and details are published separately for these events on our school website.
At your child’s Parents' Evening you will have the opportunity to meet your child’s teachers and discuss their progress. If for any reason you are unable to attend your child’s Parents Evening, please inform the school. However, research has shown that children of parents who attend benefit greatly and we would urge you to support your child in this way.
Dates and times for Parents' Evenings are published on the school’s website. All appointments are booked and take place using an online platform, meaning that you will attend meetings online from anywhere that is convenient to you.
Find out if you are eligible for Free School Meals
The School Day
Using Your Planner
- Record a copy of your personal timetable.
- Make of note of homework that is set and when it is due.
- Show your parents/carers what work is being set and pass messages to your Form Tutor.
- Record any detentions that might be set.
- Record any Catch Ups or Redo sessions with your teachers.
Frequently Asked Questions
Important Procedures
If a pupil has a special educational need or disability and have received additional support at their Primary school for this need, they will be supported by the SEND Coordinator (SENDCo) and the Learning Support team. The support offered to pupils will be decided in communication with parents, and staff will be provided with a pupil passport, which details the best way to support pupils in lessons.
The pupil passport is the child’s voice in the classroom and will be written with the support of parents and the SENDCo. Pupils will be assigned a key worker that will be involved in the process of reviewing the provision for the pupil and they will decide, with the agreement of the SENDCo, whether the pupil needs additional support from specialist staff to develop skills in the classroom by providing additional scaffolding so that pupils can access the topic in lessons. Some pupils will need special provision in addition to lessons to develop literacy and numeracy skills which could mean the pupil attends spelling bee or sum buddies after school for a 6-week intensive programme.
Pupils could also be invited to a range of programmes that would develop their confidence and social skills where pupils work on their self-esteem and leadership skills through physical activity. Some pupils might be invited to attend our Lego club where they can develop friendship and communication skills. These interventions are by invitation only to ensure the groups are small allowing for us maximise the impact for pupils.
At Turves Green Boys’ School, we recognise the importance of supporting the mental health and wellbeing of our pupils. Our whole school approach includes an extensive PSHE programme, assemblies, form time activities, pupil voice, a school counsellor and pastoral support as well as working with external agencies. These include Forward Thinking Birmingham and the School Nursing Team.
Turves Green Boys’ School is a Telling School and we encourage all pupils to talk about their experiences, thoughts and feelings. Bullying has no place in our school and it will not be tolerated. There are well-developed procedures for staff and pupils to follow if incidents do occur. The topic of bullying is explored in assemblies and during tutor time so that pupils are reminded they should tell someone if they do not feel happy about a matter. Our pupils know that there is no need to “suffer in silence”. Our Anti Bullying Ambassadors are also available and they are trained to support pupils too. If you believe that your child is being bullied, please contact their Head of House immediately.
Pupils take responsibility for their own personal property and should never bring expensive items into school. The school cannot accept responsibility for valuables. Mobile phones, electronic tablets, computer games, electronic mobile devices such as kindles and other expensive items MUST NOT be brought into school.
As pupils must carry books around the school and between the school and home, it would be appreciated if parents/ carers would ensure that a suitable school bag is provided. Books represent a very significant element of the school’s expenditure and it is essential that they are properly looked after.
Pupils are expected to pay for a new book where one is lost or defaced. Each pupil is issued with a planner at the start of the academic year and we expect them to remain in an excellent condition. If a planner is lost, a new planner can be purchased via the House Office. The cost to replace a planner is £5.00.
Pupils must ensure they cross the roads in a sensible and safe manner. Parents are asked not to park near the school driveway or on the school site.
Any pupil riding a bike to school MUST wear a helmet. If a pupil does not bring and wear a helmet they will not be allowed to bring their bike to school.
The school has qualified first aiders to deal with on-site emergencies. Where there is a more serious accident and it is necessary for a pupil to be transported to hospital, parents/carers are contacted as soon as possible.
Where both parents are absent from home, the mother, father or carer is contacted at their place of employment. If a child is unwell, parents/carers will be expected to collect their child.
It is vital that the school has up-to-date information to enable us to contact you in cases of accident or illness. An essential information and medical form is issued to parents, on which you should indicate clearly the telephone numbers by which quick contact can be made, and any other emergency contact details. You must provide the school with at least two emergency contact numbers.
Whilst accidents and serious illnesses that occur in school will be dealt with by school staff, incidents that happen out of school hours or at the weekend should be dealt with by parents.
If your child has a medical condition, please ensure that the school is aware in the first instance by entering it on the essential information form before your child begins at Turves Green Boys’ School.
If your child has a condition that requires a Care Plan such as epilepsy, diabetes or asthma for example, or a potentially life threatening severe allergy that requires them to carry an EpiPen, it is vital that you provide Turves Green Boys’ School with the care plan and medication prior to them starting in September. This is to ensure the school is fully equipped to support your child when they are in school.
Turves Green Boys’ School is a cashless school. We use a web payment provider for the payment of all trips, visits, peripatetic lessons, dinner money for our cashless catering system and any other services the school offers.
Parents will be provided with login details to get into their child’s Matrix Academy Trust App accounts. Parents are requested not to send large sums of money into school with pupils.
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Contact Info
Turves Green, Northfield,
Birmingham, B31 4BS
Contact Number: 0121 483 2890
Email: postbox@tgbs.co.uk
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm