Throughout November students on Mathswatch have attempted over 10400 questions with 4800 already completed in December. That means that our leaderboards for each month were:
- O. Davis 7B2
- L. Connolly 8B1
- Y. Embaye 7T1
- L. Commander 11A1
- J. Choi 10A1
- T. Farrell 10B1
And as we are at the end of the year it is time to show off the year in review as a sort of “Mathswatch wrapped”. So, this year as a school we have logged in 6,214 times spending 1,204.3 hours (that’s over 50 days)! In that time, we have completed 32,976 questions!!!! Top of the yearly leaderboard is H. Saho Saho 7A1 who has achieved 2011 points so far this year! Absolutely blazing ahead of the competition. E Oguntimehin 7A1 and O Davis 7B2 should also be commended with a very close battle for second place.
Well done to all in your Mathswatch efforts this year. Be sure to log on over Christmas, especially year 11 to complete the past papers that have been set online by your maths teachers.