School Policies

Policy Name
Accessibility PlanView HERE
Admissions Criteria 2024/2025View HERE
Admissions Criteria 2025/2026View HERE
Anti-Bullying PolicyView HERE
Attendance PolicyView HERE
Behaviour PolicyView HERE
Careers PolicyView HERE
Careers ProgrammeView HERE
CCTV PolicyView HERE
Charging & Remissions PolicyView HERE
Complaints PolicyView HERE
Data Protection PolicyDownload HERE
E-Safety PolicyView HERE
Equality & Diversity PolicyView HERE
Exams PolicyView HERE
Exams Disability PolicyView HERE
Exams & NEA Malpractice PolicyView HERE
Freedom of Information PolicyView HERE
Health & Safety PolicyView HERE
Provider Access PolicyView HERE
Relationships, Sex & Health Education PolicyView HERE
Safeguarding PolicyView HERE
SEND PolicyView HERE
Supporting Children with Medical ConditionsView HERE
Use of Control & Reasonable Force PolicyView HERE
Whistleblowing PolicyView HERE