On Friday 28th April 2023 we held reward assemblies for all pupils in year 8 and 9 and handed out over 300 certificates for various achievements.
Firstly, we had our subject rewards where pupils were recognised for OUTSTANDING BEHAVIOUR, HIGHEST ATTAINMENT and BEST EFFORT. These subject awards were really important for seeing the fantastic work our pupils put into the classroom and the dedication to meet the highest expectations day in day out.
Secondly, we had our attendance rewards, where pupils were recognised for EXCELLENT attendance and OUTSTANDING attendance (100%).
Thirdly, we had our recognition for commendations and our 100 club rewards, we had pupils achieving Bronze, Silver, Gold and Headteacher certificates for commendations in their planners and these will have weighting towards house points and prizes at the end of the academic year. We hope to see more and more pupils getting their Bronze, Silver, Gold and Headteacher badges that pupils will be wearing on their blazer lapels.
Our final awards were for pupils achieving certificates for their accelerated reading. Where pupils completed quizzes and reading of 1/2 million and a million words.
Please see below some pictures from the reward assemblies and thank you to staff that supported with the running of these rewards assemblies.