at Turves Green Boys' School
We are committed to promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We fully recognise our responsibilities for safeguarding and child protection. Our policy and procedures apply to all staff, governors and those visiting the school. We aim:
The designated senior leader for Safeguarding is Mr S Rogers.
If there are any concerns that a pupil may be at risk of abuse or neglect, in almost all circumstances we will talk to our parents/carers about our concerns and we will also explain if we need to refer our concerns to outside agencies. We will inform parents/carers if we need to make a referral, but in some circumstances we may need to make the referral without consulting. We will only do this if we genuinely believe that this is the best way to protect a pupil and the fact that we did not have consent from a parent/carer to the referral will be recorded.