The SEND Department are proud to have hosted their first ever Parents’ Coffee Morning on Thursday 23rd November. Thank you so much to those parents who found time in their busy schedule to come and meet with me and Matt O’Neill from the CAT Team. It provided a wonderful opportunity to catch up with you all and I do hope you found it beneficial. These links between home and school are so crucial to help us in supporting your child; I know that I speak for myself and the boys when I say we really appreciated your attendance at the event. Look out for details of more Coffee Mornings with us in the New Year!

It has been lovely to meet and get to know all of the boys on the SEND register and their families over the course of this term. I look forward to booking more SEND reviews with all of you in the New Year. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to reach out and contact me if there is anything you feel your child needs additional support with in school.
Finally, Christmas can be a tricky time for neurodivergent children or children with SEND. This could be the case if your child has Autism, ADHD, a Sensory Processing Disorder, or if your child experiences anxiety or anxious feelings. Planning in advance can help you all adapt and enjoy the festive period. For some advice and more guidance on this topic, please follow the link below:
From all of us in the SEND Department, we wish you a very peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year.