This week in Warhammer Alliance most students continued to paint their new Space Marines. With each student finalising the designs of their chapter and colour scheme they have watched tutorial videos on painting and got hands on painting tutorials last week from Miss Soden. Next week we will have a show case of all the painted Space Marines so far and choose a favourite, the owner of which will win a model prize of their own.
The veterans of the club are starting back gaming and they started with a big one! Nearly 100 miniatures built and painted by C-A. Carter-Glover 8A1, P. Curnew 7B1 and O. Warrilow clashed in a battle of epic proportions.
With models painted and ready for battle, next week new pupils in the club will get to experience their first games. With tutorial of a simplified version of Warhammer 40,000 they will learn of the main 3 phases of the game; Movement, Shooting and Close Combat.