From this week, Warhammer Alliance has a new home in A5 after school on a Wednesday. With so many students attending the club each week we now have a lot more room to play games and paint as well as a dedicated building area and better access to taps for paint brushes.
This half term we are having a big push on learning to play Warhammer 40k. With the new edition launch over summer students new and old are learning this new version of the game in preparation for a ladder tournament just before Christmas. With thanks to P.Curnew 7B1 the club also has some brand new card battlemats which are helping the tournament shaping itself up to be a very competitive scene.
The ladder tournament will allow all students to challenge each other for rungs on the ladder, the top 3 at the end of 3 weeks will be crowned our school champions and will each go away with prizes, top prize will again be a mystery model from the red boxes.Other hobby still persists, as some students are less interested in the gaming side or want more time to perfect their models for the tournament we still have dedicated painting areas to continue to do this.