Our Vision and Values.
At Turves Green Boys’ School, we are dedicated to providing a fully inclusive education based on traditional values. Our primary commitment is to ensure progress for all of our pupils. We hold high expectations and aspirations for each and every one of them.
Our goal is to create a learning community where everyone feels valued and proud of their achievements and successes. We believe in treating all members equally and celebrating their unique contributions. By equipping our pupils with essential skills and knowledge, we prepare them to become well-educated citizens who can positively impact their communities in an ever-changing future.
At Turves Green Boys’ School Our goal is to create a stimulating learning environment that sets high expectations for all our pupils.
We believe in raising aspirations and promoting progress for every individual. To achieve this, we provide an ambitious curriculum that caters to the needs of all learners. Additionally, we offer a well-planned personal development program.
We are committed to delivering high-quality teaching and learning every day. Our focus is not only on academic preparation but also on equipping our pupils with key employability skills. We provide outstanding careers education and guidance to help prepare them for their next stage of education, employment, or training.
At Turves Green Boys’ School, we believe in developing the whole pupil. This means promoting resilience and independence, fostering the interests and talents of our pupils through extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities, and building strong relationships with our primary schools, local community, and employers to enrich our curriculum.
We value diversity and celebrate our differences, while fostering mutual respect for others and their beliefs. We promote equality for all and provide social, moral, cultural, and spiritual learning opportunities. Our aim is to develop our pupils as active citizens.
Creating a safe, happy, and caring environment is of utmost importance to us. We maintain a well-disciplined school environment where pupils can thrive. We also believe in building strong partnerships between home, school, stakeholders, and outside agencies for the benefit of each and every one of our pupils.