We have continued our weekly Friday rewards, during which SLT select pupils who have been nominated by their Heads of House for exemplifying our TURVES Values and positively promoting themselves and our school in the wider community.
7 J Joynes He often goes unnoticed, but he upholds the highest standards for himself and continues to meet our turves values each week!
8 C Jones: Positive referral from GMA: “CJ has to be one of the most consistently lovely pupils I teach. Never fails to use manners, always willing to help others. He has historically just kind of coasted through in the background slightly, but I am seeing him become more outgoing in class and confident in his abilities.”
9 F Earl For is excellent effort in lessons and having the most positives this week.
10 S Jones: A pupil who continually gets things right, day in, day out. He shows an excellent attitude towards his work in all lessons.
11 J Hartnell: For consistently working hard, having a great focus on his upcoming mock exams to be prepared himself to achieve what he deserves (famous Rogers quote).
7 T Maxted: An excellent pupil who is consistently polite, respectful and hardworking and has been since day 1 of starting here at TGBS.
8 A Abaker: A polite and respectful young man who consistently demonstrates the Turves values in all that he does.
10 Kilburn – Work in Tigers programme, so far this academic year.
11 Hartnell: For consistently working hard, having a great focus on his upcoming mock exams to be prepare himself to achieve what he deserves
7 – C Farrell – for continued excellence across the curriculum as well as making huge progress in his music lessons.
8 - J Morris for displaying Turves values across the school in academic and extracurricular activities.
9 D Whild A polite and respectful young man who consistently demonstrates the TURVES values in everything that he does. This has continued into 2025 and has made an exceptional start to the year.
10 A Burton – Requested by the catering staff for always helping them. Specifically with IT issues this week.
11 C Hatch: Has shown a real mature shift in his attitude towards his GCSE’s and is showing excellent efforts in all lessons.