Our reading rewards vending machine continues to be a focal point of our celebrations on a Friday lunchtime. Pupils from all year groups are considered and selected for a range of approaches to demonstrating our TURVES Values.
Winners over the last fortnight include:
- Year 7: K Gabbidon-Frazer – TURVES Values exemplified through honesty
- Year 7: J Leagus: A model TGBS pupil. He walked past his form tutors' room at the end of the day and saw her cleaning and decided to give her a helping hand.
- Year 8: T Casey: Always demonstrating the TURVES values everyday in school.
- Year 9: J Perkins: A real positive start to this half-term. Putting in great effort in all lessons and showing respect and manners.
- Year 10: J Welds - very involved with wide extra curricular activities.
- Year 11: C Thomas – all positive and superb approach to mock exam studies.