This week, we have additional awards for pupils who have exemplified TURVES Values in the community. Our reading rewards vending machine continues to be a focal point of our celebrations on a Friday lunchtime. Pupils from all year groups are considered and selected for a range of approaches to demonstrating our TURVES Values., contributions in the community and extra curricular efforts.
Year 7: D Tayengwa – For receiving the highest amount of positives consistently in his year for a number of days. Mr Dependable and extremely polite to boot.
Year 8: C Grundy, E Lowe and JP Atwood – finding and handing in a bank card
Year 9: K Light improved attitude and effort since the start of Y9
Year 10: J Cartlidge – positive behaviour and positive work ethic that has had a brilliant start to KS4 and is a consistent achiever across all subjects.
Year 11: K Foster - an excellent year 11 pupil who is consistently showing excellent attitude towards his studies and preparation for his GCSEs.