Year 11s this week have begun their final preparations for their maths mock exams starting next week. Each student will sit a full set of GCSE style papers under the same conditions they will sit them at the end of the year.
To support them with their revision all students have received a Complete Revision and Practise book and Exam Practise Workbook that cover every part of the exam specification. The two books work alongside each other so students can practise a topic in their workbook by answering past exam paper questions, using the revision book to help them if they get stuck as every topic is mirrored between the two books. Also in the books are full exam papers which students can use for revision in their own time.
In school we are supplementing the year 11s curriculum this week with revision sessions targeting the 4 broad areas of maths; Algebra, Shape and Space, Number Ratio and Proportion and Data Handling. Also in the run up to the exams, each class has taken part in two Lead Lesson delivered by Mrs Love and Mrs Hambrook to give them key revision techniques and exam routines to make the most out of the time they are given in the exam hall.