This half term every student in year 7 and year 8 have been improving their singing skills. Each week they have warmed up their voices using a range of technical exercises and songs, including their favourite “Poppa’s got a head like a ping pong ball”. The boys have then worked on different styles of music to showcase their understanding of musical elements. In the first singing lesson, they learnt how to sing in a round, they amazingly learnt three songs and were able to split into groups to perform these at the same time. We learnt “Consider Yourself!” from the musical ‘Oliver!’, in this they experimented with different dynamics (volumes) and we also learnt “Somewhere over the rainbow” from the ‘Wizard of Oz’, in which we looked at different tempos (speeds).
The boys have been absolutely incredible this half term and have become much more confident singers and this was reflected in their end of unit assessment.