Thursday 4th May was the third in Year 9’s series of visits from the ChemBAM team from the University of Birmingham. Five chemistry researchers joined us to carry out an experiment where pupils used their analytical skills to try to figure out what items were hidden inside 7 black boxes (without opening them!) items included salt, citric acid, washing powder and a mystery object.
Pupils applied their knowledge of physical and chemical properties to collect data on the items and piece together the evidence to form their conclusions. We were then given an MRI image of the item in the mystery box to help us guess it’s identity.
Pupils finished the session by discussing the visitors research with them. We learned about everything from how batteries are being researched to be able to fly aeroplanes to using boxes full of noble gases to stop reactions from exploding.
Many thanks to outreach Officer Rachel Green and her team of scientists from the University of Birmingham for running such enjoyable and interesting activities.