
TGBS Musical – Matilda

Exciting Announcement: Turves Green Boys School to Perform “Matilda” This Summer!

We are thrilled to announce that Turves Green Boys School will be showcasing the musical “Matilda” this summer! This beloved story, based on Roald Dahl’s classic book, follows the extraordinary journey of a young child with a remarkable mind and a heart of gold as they navigates the challenges of family and school life.

The production promises to be a fantastic experience for both performers and the audience, with its catchy songs, engaging characters, and a powerful message about the importance of courage and kindness.

Stay tuned for more details on audition dates, rehearsal schedules, and performance dates. We can’t wait to see our talented students bring this magical story to life on stage

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TGBS School – Performing Arts | Year 9 – Topic – Devising using a Stimulus

Using a variety of drama devices Yr 9 Students have been working on how to use a picture as a stimulus. Students are exploring the complex emotions and perspectives involved in bullying. By incorporating techniques like still image, split screen, thought tracking, slow motion, and

The students begin their role play by creating a series of still images, capturing significant moments that many bullying scenarios encompass. From a victim feeling isolated to a bystander torn between action and inaction, these frozen moments allow the audience to reflect on the underlying emotions.

One student explains, “The still images really help us focus on the feelings involved. It’s like pressing pause on a tough moment and giving everyone a chance to understand what’s really happening.” By highlighting facial expressions and body language, these still images create a poignant visual storytelling element that emphasizes empathy and connection.

In one powerful scene, students use the split screen technique to portray simultaneous actions of different characters. On one side, the bully brags to a group of friends, while on the other, the victim is seen grappling with feelings of isolation. The audience can witness both realities at once, underscoring the contrasting perspectives.

Students have commented in their reflection “We all have thoughts we don’t say out loud,”. “When we use thought tracking, it’s like letting the audience hear what’s going on inside. It helps them understand why we make the choices we do.”

 “Slow motion gives us the chance to really show what’s happening,” “Every little movement matters. It lets the audience feel the weight of that moment and see how it affects everyone involved.”

In their final scenes, students incorporate stage combat to represent the physical aspects of bullying. Using safe, choreographed moves, they demonstrate how bullying can escalate from words to actions. This element adds a sense of realism to the performance, making it all the more impactful.

By using these techniques, the students are not only developing their acting skills but also cultivating a deeper understanding of bullying and its effects. The topic has opened up discussions among classmates, and teachers about the role of empathy and the importance of standing up against bullying. Mrs Haynes, who leads the drama class, believes that topics like this help students connect with one another on a personal level. “When they step into these roles, they’re not just acting—they’re learning to see the world through someone else’s eyes. That’s a powerful lesson, both on and off the stage.

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Year 7 Students Shine in Dance This Half Term!

This half term, Year 7 students have been immersed in the world of dance, learning six fundamental dance actions and using them to create their own unique choreography.

Through this engaging process, students have explored various styles and techniques, enhancing their creativity and expression. The focus on collaboration has allowed them to work in groups, sharing ideas and developing their skills together.

As they put their choreography into practice, students have demonstrated impressive growth and confidence. This hands-on approach not only boosts their technical abilities but also fosters a love for dance and performance.

We look forward to showcasing their hard work and creativity in an upcoming performance! Stay tuned for more updates!


Vending Machine Rewards

Our reading rewards vending machine continues to be a focal point of our celebrations on a Friday lunchtime. Pupils from all year groups are considered and selected for a range of approaches to demonstrating our TURVES Values.  

Winners over the last fortnight include: 

Year 7: O Walker: He is a polite and respectful young man who tries hard every day. He consistently shows the Turves values. 

Year 8: L Glasford: For consistent outstanding effort in all lessons.   

Year 9: L Sannio most praise points and no negative. Exemplifies our TURVES Values. 

Year 10: J Choi – embodies excellence in everything he does. I wish I had the level of talent that this student does.  

Year 11: A Niles – For being an unsung hero in the Austin Year 11 cohort. 

Year 7: H Organ- This young man has a wonderful attitude towards learning and is meeting our values each day in particular respectful to all 

year 8: M Jinks – Excellent levels of effort in all subjects and facets of school life.   

Year 9: D Pere-Enaregha – Consistently earning the most praise points each day and receiving the ‘shout out’ each morning the past two weeks. 

Year 10: J Varley – Has continued to be the polite and respectful young man, showing great effort in lessons despite the pain/discomfort he is currently in with his recent ankle injury.  

Year 11: W Cornick – a polite and respectful young man who is putting in excellent effort in his lessons in the run-up to mock exams. 

Year 11: S Hardy – Getting involved in multiple aspects of school life and performing well in KS4. 


UOB Outreach Visit

Doctors and researchers from the University of Birmingham came to Turves this week to show our Year 9’s how they can test the air quality in our school! Linking into their KS3 past curriculum and their future KS4 curriculum, pupils were able to make links between how the quality of the air we breathe affects our health. They have started an experiment where they have set up particle “traps” to be placed around the school in the areas where they think the air pollution would be greatest. Then, when the outreach team return on Wednesday 20th November, they’ll be able to see which of them was right! The pupils behaved admirably and it was great seeing them take advantage of having such experts in the room by asking lots of questions!


Warhammer Alliance Painting Competition

On Wednesday the Warhammer Alliance held an exciting painting competition, giving students the opportunity to showcase their artistic talents in two categories: Recruits and Veterans. The competition saw 11 participants, 4 of whom were new joiners who were entering some of their first painted models. These budding hobbyists entered the Recruits category, while the more experienced members competed in the Veterans category.

The judges, Mr. Woodall, Miss Woodall, Mr. Walker, Miss Harrison, and Miss Brooker, were tasked with evaluating the impressive array of painted models. After much deliberation, the results were announced.

In the Recruits category, Z. Franklin (7A1) claimed first place, with H. Jackson (7B2) securing second. Z. Franklin’s creativity earned them a new Space Marine model and a Leagues of Votann model to further their collection. H. Jackson, whose entry was also highly praised, received a delicious reward of a free cookie for their efforts.

In the Veterans category, S. Scott (10B1) emerged as the winner with their beautifully painted Space Marine Terminator, earning a unit of Inceptors for their Space Marine army. T. Clarke (10T1) took second place, and also received a free cookie.

All participants, regardless of placement, received queue jump passes for lunchtime as a thank you for taking part and contributing to the event’s success. The competition was a fantastic opportunity for students to bond over their shared passion for Warhammer and develop their artistic abilities.

We are proud to celebrate the creativity and enthusiasm shown by all participants, and the winning models you can see in the pictures below showcasing their impressive designs. Congratulations to everyone who took part!


English Mock

Sam deserves immense praise for his hard work and dedication in preparing for his English mock exam. His commitment to revision has been nothing short of inspiring. Sam has demonstrated an exceptional work ethic, dedicating himself to reviewing key texts, analysing themes, and mastering essay techniques. His attention to detail showcases his determination to achieve excellence.

What truly stands out is Sam’s ability to stay focused and disciplined throughout his revision. He hasn’t just gone through the motions of studying; instead, he’s approached his preparation with a genuine passion for learning and improving. His perseverance, even when faced with challenging scenarios, shows his resilience and drive to succeed. Sam has also been proactive in seeking feedback, asking insightful questions, and making the necessary adjustments to ensure he’s fully prepared.

Beyond his individual efforts, Sam has been an excellent role model for his peers, often offering advice and support to those around him. His willingness to help others reflects not only his knowledge but also his generosity and leadership qualities.

Sam’s dedication will undoubtedly pay off in his exam, and regardless of the outcome, his effort and attitude are commendable. His work ethic is a testament to his character and is something that will serve him well far beyond this exam. Well done, Sam!

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Excellence in French

Congratulations to L Thompson and D Da Conceicao in 9X1. They completed a written piece in French and produced an excellent, extended piece on healthy lifestyle. Both students demonstrated our value of being ‘self-motivated to achieve’ and produced a piece that was highly accurate and detailed. Keep up the excellent work!


Active in Mind Project

Some of the KS3 boys who are part of the Tigers programme at TGBS travelled across to Moseley Rugby Club on Thursday 10th October to take part in a project which was delivered by Sport Birmingham. The Active in Mind project explores strategies that can be used to address stress and anxiety in adolescents, equipping them with personal resilience tools. The boys have now been tasked with becoming well-being ambassadors within school and will run 6 sports sessions aimed at year 7 students who might be struggling to cope with the stresses and anxiety of transitioning from primary to secondary school. Once the well-being ambassadors have completed their 6 sessions with the targeted year 7 students, they will head off to Ninja Warrior, Walsall for a celebration event whereby they will celebrate all of their hard work in supporting their peers. 


SEND – October Update

It has been lovely to speak to so many of our new Year 7 parents and to learn more about how we can best support the students both to enjoy and progress at Turves Green Boys’ School. We have had a busy half term launching all of our Form Time Interventions and it has been lovely to see everyone coming down each morning to attend their small group support session. So far, we have seen excellent attendance and some really Valuable Contributions in our sessions, which range from ‘Numeracy Support’ and ‘Read to Succeed’, to ‘Handwriting Workshops’ and ‘Zones of Regulation’. Well done to everyone who has taken part so far, and if you have not yet been involved in one of the additional support sessions and would like to take part, please don’t hesitate to come and see me to enquire about a place for next term!

We are also extremely lucky to be able to offer extra support for our parents too. As part of our continued efforts to ensure a strong home-school partnership, I am delighted to share details of our first SEND coffee morning of this academic year, which will be taking place on Thursday 28th November 2024. This informal session will provide an opportunity to meet with me; share any concerns or queries and discuss with the SEND department any further adaptations we could put in place for our students. If you would like to learn more about the Graduated Approach and the SEND Department at Turves Green Boys’ School, you are very welcome to attend the session from 9.30am – 11am on 28th November. 

Finally, I am pleased to be able to share that the Birmingham Parent Carer Forum (BPCF) have recently launched its new website. BPCF have asked us to share this with parents:

Wishing you all a restful half term and I look forward to meeting up with more of you in the run up to Christmas.

Contact Info

Turves Green, Northfield,

Birmingham, B31 4BS

Contact Number: 0121 483 2890

Email: postbox@tgbs.co.uk

Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

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