This week we have launched our brand new reading rewards vending machine. Our book vending machine is stocked with a mixture of our ‘16 by 16’ reading challenge and books chosen by our Warhammer and Alliance clubs. Our aim is to promote reading for pleasure for all pupils in all years. This week’s winners chose ‘Shoe Dog’, the biography of the founder of Nike, ‘Touching the Void’, a real-life story of danger and discovery and most popular of all ‘The Philosopher’s Stone’!
Pupils will have an opportunity via their reading ambassadors to select texts to go in the ending machine as prizes
Pupils can be awarded tokens for achieving success across the school. This week’s winning choices were for:
Most improved attitude in Year 11 C Z Wilson
Supporting Indoor Athletics Year 10 A Moulton
Promotion of the Allies Club Y9
Excellence in PE: R Brown
Winning 3 events in Indoor Athletic Y7 Leyton Timmins
Highest Score in Accelerated Reading for their year group: Y7 Praise O Y8 D Conceicaao Y9 S Scott
½ million, 1 million word reader: Y8 D Conceicaao
Most Accelerated tests taken: Y7 K Deady Y8 L Jaison Y9 M Osman