
New Champions of Academic Writing

A group of students in Year 8 have really excelled at their mid-point English assessments recently. This group includes: K. Hussain (8T1), L. Cullen (8T1), D. Da Conciecao (8T1), L. Thompson Clarke (8T1), T. Cham (8T1) and A. Williams (8T1).

Boys across Year 8 have been improving the way they use academic writing to explain the meanings of poems and have been learning to use new skills and techniques to help them to write with crystal clarity. Some boys have gone on to show a maturity beyond their years in their writing and have really impressed.

Year 8 have been looking at the theme of ‘Identity’ through poetry. The boys have been looking at poets such as: John Agard, Grace Nichols and Sujata Bhatt who write about their experiences of growing into a new culture and identity, when moving to Britain from other parts of the world.  The poets use imagery and humour to get challenging and complex ideas across, and the boys have really risen to the challenge of both understanding these ideas, and of explaining them through their skillful ability to write in an academic style. 

To encourage further excellence, the boys who have been most successful in their writing have been awarded a book to read and enjoy.

Keep it up boys!


SEND Newsletter

The SEND Department has had a busy half term, offering guidance to our Yr 9 pupils as they choose their options for KS4 and supporting our current pupils with their GCSEs and End of Year Examinations.

We have also had the pleasure of welcoming some of our new pupils who will be joining us in September 2024. We held a Parent/Pupil Transition Evening and two additional SEND Transition Mornings this year. All events were extremely successful and we are eager to welcome our new students into the Turves Green family in the new academic year.

July – September is always a time of transition for schools; for some pupils, change can be exciting, for others it can be a time of worry and anxiety. If anyone has any worries or concerns around transition next term, then please let me know and we will do everything possible to support this.

Changes in routines, such as those brought about by summer holidays can be difficult for some pupils. Please see the details for a SEND Youth Club that is hosted every Friday evening for young people aged 7-16, close to Villa Park.

This is a FREE opportunity for young people to take part in fun sporting activities and games, as well as socialise with other each week.


Thermite demonstration

Recently, our year 9 students had the opportunity to witness a fascinating science demonstration on the Thermite reaction. The demonstration not only showcased the incredible power of this reaction but also highlighted its practical applications in real-world scenarios, specifically in rail-road track welding.

The Thermite reaction is a highly exothermic reaction between iron oxide and aluminum, resulting in the production of molten iron. This reaction generates intense heat, reaching temperatures of over 2500 degrees Celsius, making it an effective method for welding metals together. In the case of rail-road track welding, the Thermite reaction is commonly used to join sections of railroad tracks together, creating a seamless and durable connection.

Furthermore, the demonstration was linked to the HS2 project, a high-speed rail project currently under construction. The HS2 project aims to connect major cities in the UK with a high-speed rail network, improving transportation efficiency and reducing travel times. The use of Thermite welding in rail-road track construction plays a crucial role in the success of this project, ensuring that the tracks are securely joined and able to withstand the high speeds of the trains.Overall, the Thermite reaction demonstration provided our students with a valuable insight into the world of chemistry and its practical applications in engineering and construction. By linking the demonstration to the HS2 project, students were able to see how the science they learn in the classroom can have real-world implications and contribute to important infrastructure projects.


Salter’s institute Discovery Day

Year 10 Science Trip to the University of Nottingham: A Day of Discovery and Inspiration

On June 26th, a small group of Year 10 boys from our school had the extraordinary opportunity to visit the University of Nottingham for an immersive science experience. This trip was designed to spark curiosity and provide our students with a first-hand look at the fascinating world of chemistry.

The day began with a warm welcome from the university’s science faculty, setting the stage for an exciting schedule ahead. Our first activity was a talk by two enthusiastic Chemistry PhD students. They shared insights into their research, discussing topics ranging from innovative chemical reactions to environmental sustainability. Their passion for their work was evident and inspiring, giving our students a glimpse into the possibilities that a future in chemistry can offer.

Following the engaging talk, our students donned lab coats and safety goggles for a hands-on practical session in one of the university’s state-of-the-art laboratories. Guided by experienced lab technicians, they undertook the challenging yet rewarding task of synthesizing aspirin. This practical experience not only reinforced theoretical knowledge but also introduced them to the meticulous processes involved in pharmaceutical chemistry. The boys worked diligently, following precise procedures to produce their own samples of aspirin, and the sense of achievement was palpable.

The final part of our visit was a Q&A session with three professionals working in the chemical industry. These individuals brought a wealth of real-world experience, discussing their diverse roles in various sectors such as technical services, lecturing, and industrial research. They shared stories of their career paths, the challenges they face, and the exciting developments in their fields. Our students asked insightful questions, gaining valuable advice and a deeper understanding of the career opportunities that a degree in chemistry can provide. The trip to the University of Nottingham was a resounding success, leaving our Year 10 boys inspired and motivated. They returned with a newfound appreciation for chemistry and the potential it holds for the future. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the university staff and the industry professionals who made this enriching experience possible. This visit undoubtedly sparked a passion for science that will continue to grow in the years to come.


Open Events 2024

We will be holding a few open events this year to give all prospective Year 7 parents and pupils the chance to come and visit us. These events will give you a little insight into what is means to be a pupil at Turves Green Boys’ School and give you the chance to ask any questions you may have.

Year 6 Opening Evening: Tuesday, 17th September 2024, 4:30pm to 7:30pm

Year 6 Open Mornings: Monday, 23rd September – Thursday, 26th September 2024, 9:15am to 10:15am


Vending Machine Rewards

Our reading rewards vending machine continues to be a focal point of our celebrations on a Friday lunchtime. Pupils from all year groups are considered and selected for a range of approaches to demonstrating our TURVES Values.  

Winners this week include: 

Year 7 H McGann – efforts in extra curricular activities 

Year 8 A Collins – For his amazing achievements, Aiden successfully completed his sponsored swim for the RNLI Lifeboats, swimming a total of 77 lengths, which equates to an impressive 1.2 miles or 1925 meters. 

Year 9 J Jackson – for constantly getting it right around school, showing great effort and having 0 negative points this year 

Year 10 R Mahlunge – for his involvement in extracurricular activities and in his continued passion for directing 


TGBS School Musical – Alfie (Annie)

Alfie the Musical!

Rehearsals are underway for our Summer Musical which will take place on Tuesday 9th July to our local primary schools and Wednesday 10th July for our evening performance.

It was wonderful to see so many students at rehearsals this week learning the choreography to the well-known musical number “Hard Knock Life” It was high energy and a lot of fun was had.

Rehearsals are taking place after school on a Monday and Wednesday and singing rehearsals take place on a Thursday breaktime.

Tickets go on sale from Monday 24th from main reception. Tickets are priced at £3 pp or £10 for a family of four. Tickets need to be purchased or reserved before Wednesday 10th July, there are no tickets sales on the door.

We are sure this is going to be a sell out performance! 


The Big Bang was a Big Hit! 

36 hardworking, exceptionally well-behaved year 7s spent Friday morning at the NEC for the Big Bang STEM careers fair and boy were our minds blown! After being split into 3 groups and monitored, the pupils were then let lose to explore the many careers linked to STEM including television, animal care, formula 1 racing, coding, space exploration, car design and manufacture, nuclear power, the railway and HS2 as well as many many others. They took part in activities, discussed people’s careers with some really thought provoking questions and had smiles on their faces the whole time (as well as seeing who came away with the best prizes from the stalls). They were amazing the whole time they were there and our pupils even won a Lego building competition sponsored by JCB!! I received no end of compliments about how conscientious and polite our pupils are. Many proud Miss Mansell moments were had. It opened our eyes to the many choices you get in life when you have an interest in science, technology, engineering and maths as well as how our options are not limited by our personal circumstances, but only by our lack of imagination.  


Music Trip to South and City College Birmingham

On the 19th of June, 14 boys from year 9, who have chosen BTEC Music went on a trip to South and City College Birmingham to see what music can be like after secondary school. Below are statements from the students explaining what they did, what they learnt and how they will use these skills over the next two years.

“We had an exciting tour of the music department and all the music rooms there. Then, we split into three groups and rotated around 3 activities: music production on Logic, music mixing in a studio and a group performance” – J. Choi

“I also enjoyed the part where we explored the college and found out the different places available for us if we wanted to continue our music career paths after Year 11 or if we wanted to do a different career such as Animal Care or Engineering” – T. Farrell

“My favourite part about the trip was that we got to see the experience of what BTEC music is really like” – B. Diarra

“I enjoyed performing on stage with my group and making my own song in logic” – C. Knibbs

“I enjoyed the performance element of the day, it was fun to practice in a more professional setting. I also enjoyed the studio because it was fun to have a go on the volume as I think it’s good to learn how that works and how to get a good balance for the sound” – A. Hannon

“A skill I developed over this trip was co-operation to other members in a band or group” – J. Jeremy


Princess Diana Anti Bullying Ambassador Case Study

Here at Turves Green Boys School, we take great pride in the exceptional work being carried out by our anti-bullying ambassadors. These dedicated individuals have shown unwavering commitment to creating a safe and inclusive learning environment for all students. Through their hard work and determination, they have successfully implemented various initiatives and programs aimed at preventing bullying and promoting positive relationships among peers. Their efforts have not gone unnoticed, as evidenced by the prestigious recognition received from the Princess Diana Anti-Bullying Award.

The tireless dedication of our anti-bullying ambassadors reflects our school’s core values and British values of;  telling school, respectful to all and everyone is equal, to name a few. Their proactive approach to addressing bullying behaviour and fostering a culture of acceptance and support has had a profound impact on our school community. We are immensely proud of their achievements and the positive influence they have had on the well-being of our students. The Princess Diana Anti-Bullying Award serves as a testament to their hard work and serves as motivation for us to continue striving towards creating a safe and nurturing environment for all individuals within our school. 

Please see our recent case study HERE that highlights the wonderful work done here at Turves over the past 2 years since we joined the Princess Diana Award.

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Contact Info

Turves Green, Northfield,

Birmingham, B31 4BS

Contact Number: 0121 483 2890

Email: postbox@tgbs.co.uk

Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

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