
Accelerated Reader

The number of Accelerated Reader quizzes taken by our students now total 1908.The standings in thecurrent House Competition (based on the quizzes taken, number of words read and the cumulative points scored) remain unchanged:

1: Austin (7,941,319 words read).

2: Tolkien (6,365,191 words read).

3: Boulton (3,639,053 words read).

In contrast, the names on the Students’ Accelerated Reader Points Leaderboard have been changing position on an almost weekly basis.At the end of this half-term our top three readers are:

1: Alex T. (Y7).

2: Cody D. (Y9).

3: George M. (Y9).

Well done to everyone whose name has featured on the Leaderboard during this half term.Special mention also to George M. (Y9) who has become our second ‘Word Millionaire’.


Pancake Day

It’s been pancake week at TGBS, with all Food, Hospitality and Catering groups taking part. Pupils have thoroughly enjoyed learning how to make pancakes and experiment with different fillings.  Some pupils were even skilled enough to successfully flip their pancakes.  Well done!


Accelerated Reader Leaderboard

The Library is now open daily from 8.30 to 8.45am and also from 3:00 to 3:20pm for pupils to change their books. Pupils in Key Stage 3 are enjoying their timetabled Accelerated Reader Library lesson and are beginning to develop their reading stamina. Many pupils taking their AR Quizzes are achieving the target of 80% accuracy. As a result of this, a number of new names have found their way on to the Accelerated Reader Points Leaderboard. At the end of last term our top three readers were:

1: M. Peak (Y9).

2: G. Mackcracken (Y9).

3: T. Farrell (Y7).

Congratulations to them and everyone whose name has appeared on the Leaderboard during this half term. Please remember that pupils can read and then quiz at home by accessing the Accelerated Reader quizzes via their school log-in. At the end of this term, pupils have taken a total of 788 quizzes. The current House Competition positions (based on the quizzes taken, number of words read and the cumulative points scored) are:

1: Austin (3,757,678 words read).

2: Tolkien (2,087,821 words read).

3: Boulton (1,953,317 words read).

Don’t forget that the Library is open at Breaktimes for study and reading. Each Year Group has a specific day allocated to them.


Royal Navy Food Workshop

Members of The Royal Navy came into school to work with our year 10 Hospitality and Catering groups. Pupils developed their cooking skills while working under timed conditions and with limited ingredients. Their challenge was to produce a two-course meal, with just a basic list of ingredients. As well as helping pupils develop skills necessary for their GCSE, it also provided an interesting insight into catering and other careers within the Royal Navy.

The winners of the group challenges were: Joshua H, Mason P, Max R, Lewis D, Jake E, Sidney M, Dominic S and Ellis M. Well done, boys!


Christmas Afternoon Tea

As part of our year 10 Hospitality and Catering course, pupils had to plan and make an afternoon tea for the elderly neighbours in the community.

Originally this would have happened in school and we would have decorated the main hall with lots of festive decorations. Pupils would have then been waiters as well as cooking and preparing the food. However, due to the current Covid 19 situation, we had to adapt it to a take-away service in order to keep the elderly safe. This meant we had to deliver the food to our local community church for the elderly to collect.

Because we were offering this take away service, we had to decorate food boxes and gift bags these boxes were then packed full of delicious food. These could then be taken away and enjoyed by the elderly community of the church.

The year 10 pupils involved, found it an interesting, enjoyable and reward experience

“I enjoyed making the quiches because it helped me revise what I’ve done in the past and contributing to the local community” Elliot N

“I enjoyed making the cakes and decorating them with buttercream however it was challenging making them look the same” Tedi Z

“The thing I most enjoyed was getting the boxes prepared for our delicious food” Jayden F

We are so proud of the hard work and attention to detail the pupils put into the event. Well done year 10!


Christmas Menu

We can’t wait for you to try this years Christmas dinner. Here is a flavour of what you can expect:

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BBC Visit

On Wednesday 10th November, the BBC came into school and conducted a Q&A with pupils about different careers within the BBC.  Pupils were able to hear about careers such as: presenting, producing, sound and lighting engineering and designing.   A presenter, a producer and a designer with the BBC were all on hand to give pupils information about routes into those careers and took questions from pupils.  It was a fantastic opportunity for pupils to get a real insight into careers within broadcasting and television.

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Royal Navy Food Workshop

On Thursday 4th November,  members of The Royal Navy came into school to work with our year 10 Hospitality and Catering groups.  Pupils developed their cooking skills while working under timed conditions and with limited ingredients.  Their challenge was to produce a two-course meal, with just a basic list of ingredients.  As well as helping pupils develop skills necessary for their GCSE,  it also provided an interesting insight into catering and other careers within the Royal Navy. 

The winners of the group challenges were: Joshua H, Mason P, Max R, Lewis D, Jake E, Sidney M, Dominic S and Ellis M. 

Well done boys.

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Saltmine Trust Theatre Company

Performance and Interactive Workshop

As part of their PSHE work, Pupils in years 7-10 enjoyed a production entitled ‘Switch Up’.  It was a thought-provoking drama performance followed by a workshop programme which focused on the complex, interrelated issues of knife crime, gang violence and self-identity.

Through the workshop, pupils were able to question the actors, take part in a hot seating activity and were given some hard hitting facts about knife crime in the UK.

‘Today we watched a production by the Saltmine theatre company.  The production was about gangs and knife crime and how your life is priceless and worth more than gangs or drugs.  It was a great experience and there was also a good amount of interactivity in a work shop.  Some of the facts shocked us! The conflict in the production was realistic and affected the students watching.  I would like to tank Saltmine for coming to our school’

 Dominic O 

‘The play opened with a dramatic ending! The tensions were high and the purpose of the play, to educate about knife crime and gangs, was set.  It really spread awareness about knife crime amongst kids and I found it really interesting.  Not only was the message received load and clear, but the actors also kept us hooked with the brilliant play’

Jas S



It’s been a busy half term for Careers Education at Turves Green Boys’ School.  There have been a number of activities undertaken by KS4 to give them the knowledge and experiences they need to be able to make informed choices about where they want to go, post 16.

Year 10 and 11 Careers Fair

On Wednesday 13th October, Year 10 and Year 11 Pupils attended a Careers Fair on Wednesday 13th October.  Pupils were able to meet, in person, representatives from the world of work, apprenticeships and Post 16 Education.  Before attending the fair, pupils were advised about Level 3 courses, and the importance of success at GCSE.  Pupils were informed about BTECs, T-Levels, A-Levels and Apprenticeships and were able to meet with employers and educators who could provide specific guidance for each pupil.  Sam was really interested to find out about modern apprenticeships, including one in Archaeology and John was really engaged with how he could get on a Business course in September 2022.  Most importantly, pupils were able to start those conversations about the next steps in their education and training.

‘The day was perfect if you didn’t know what you wanted to do, like myself, for college there were lots of colleges and apprentice opportunities for you to look at and talk to some staff members.  I think it helped me a lot with what colleges I could pick for my further education once I leave Turves Green Boys’ and I had spoken to places such as Cadbury Sixth Form College which I really liked, Access College in Digbeth I really liked there too. There were many more to see and talk to.  I think it was a huge help for people who struggle to find a college that is good for them and what education they can offer you to do if you select there. For me, I want to be a teacher, so I would like to get into teaching and many of the colleges there offered that course so it was a big bonus.

I had a great time there and would love to do another it would really help’

Noah yr. 11

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Birmingham, B31 4BS

Contact Number: 0121 483 2890


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