
Active in Mind Project

Some of the KS3 boys who are part of the Tigers programme at TGBS travelled across to Moseley Rugby Club on Thursday 10th October to take part in a project which was delivered by Sport Birmingham. The Active in Mind project explores strategies that can be used to address stress and anxiety in adolescents, equipping them with personal resilience tools. The boys have now been tasked with becoming well-being ambassadors within school and will run 6 sports sessions aimed at year 7 students who might be struggling to cope with the stresses and anxiety of transitioning from primary to secondary school. Once the well-being ambassadors have completed their 6 sessions with the targeted year 7 students, they will head off to Ninja Warrior, Walsall for a celebration event whereby they will celebrate all of their hard work in supporting their peers. 


SEND - October Update

It has been lovely to speak to so many of our new Year 7 parents and to learn more about how we can best support the students both to enjoy and progress at Turves Green Boys’ School. We have had a busy half term launching all of our Form Time Interventions and it has been lovely to see everyone coming down each morning to attend their small group support session. So far, we have seen excellent attendance and some really Valuable Contributions in our sessions, which range from ‘Numeracy Support’ and ‘Read to Succeed’, to ‘Handwriting Workshops’ and ‘Zones of Regulation’. Well done to everyone who has taken part so far, and if you have not yet been involved in one of the additional support sessions and would like to take part, please don’t hesitate to come and see me to enquire about a place for next term!

We are also extremely lucky to be able to offer extra support for our parents too. As part of our continued efforts to ensure a strong home-school partnership, I am delighted to share details of our first SEND coffee morning of this academic year, which will be taking place on Thursday 28th November 2024. This informal session will provide an opportunity to meet with me; share any concerns or queries and discuss with the SEND department any further adaptations we could put in place for our students. If you would like to learn more about the Graduated Approach and the SEND Department at Turves Green Boys’ School, you are very welcome to attend the session from 9.30am – 11am on 28th November. 

Finally, I am pleased to be able to share that the Birmingham Parent Carer Forum (BPCF) have recently launched its new website. BPCF have asked us to share this with parents:

Wishing you all a restful half term and I look forward to meeting up with more of you in the run up to Christmas.


MakeUK Future Makers Show

Year 11s visited MakeUK Future Makers Show which included a presentation about engineering apprenticeships, a tour of the site to look at the facilities, meet the tutors and gain an understanding of the range of the engineering pathways.

There was a practical activity to emphasis personal qualities that are required for a career in engineering such as communication, team work and problem solving.

Year 11s also had the opportunity to meet with employers:


Whale Tankers


Severn Trent


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English: Oracy

Oracy has been a fundamental priority at Turves Boys Green School, with significant emphasis placed on equipping staff with specialised training to foster oracy development within classrooms. It sits at the core of our curriculum, ensuring that students are not only able to articulate their thoughts clearly within the school environment but also develop the skills necessary for effective communication in broader societal contexts. This year, both within the English department and across the school, one of our central objectives is to nurture pupils’ confidence in public speaking.

In line with this, Class 9X2 has been studying Heroes by Robert Cormier, a novel that grapples with intricate themes surrounding war. As part of their oracy development, the students were presented with a provocative statement and assigned specific roles within their groups to stimulate a structured debate. This exercise, centred around the question: Should boys be allowed to enlist for the war at the age of 15?, invited students to engage in thoughtful discourse, critically examining the moral and ethical dimensions of the topic. The discussion was highly engaging, with all pupils contributing meaningfully, embodying our school’s core value of valuable contribution and taking their roles within the debate with great seriousness.

The boys demonstrated considerable dedication and effort, engaging in thoughtful discussions within their groups to produce well-crafted arguments. These were later presented to the class, fostering an environment where their peers could further contribute and enrich the dialogue.

Revision Guides

Year 11 Maths Revision

Today, Year 11 students received their CGP Edexcel Maths Revision Guides, a key resource to support their preparation for the upcoming GCSE mock exams. With the first Maths mock paper scheduled for the 21st of October, students are already deep into their revision, incorporating practice through starter activities at the beginning of each lesson. These revision guides will provide students with focused content tailored to the Edexcel syllabus, offering clear explanations, worked examples, and practice questions to reinforce their learning.

In addition to the revision guides, students have also been given two crucial documents highlighting high-frequency topics for both the Foundation and Higher tier papers. These documents provide a detailed overview of topics that have appeared frequently in recent years, giving students a clear indication of which areas to prioritise in their studies. For example, topics such as proportional reasoning and percentage of an amount feature prominently for the Foundation tier, while more advanced topics like trigonometry and circle theorems are frequent in the Higher tier.

These resources will help students tailor their revision effectively by focusing on the most likely areas to appear in their exams. The data-driven approach of the high-frequency topic lists, combined with the comprehensive CGP guides, ensures that students are well-equipped to approach their revision with confidence.


Year 10 Engineering

This week, year 10 Engineering students have been given a virtual talk about careers in Casting. They had the opportunity to use VR to tour a working metal foundry, they will be using what they have learnt in their lesson time and to consider their future career choices.


F1 in Schools

This week our F1 in Schools extra curricular club were lucky enough to meet a member of the Engineering department from Aston University. They were given a presentation about the competition, including how the competition is run, tips and tricks for success and how to operate effectively as an Engineering team. Students will now enter the design phase of the F1 in schools competition.


Vending Machine Rewards

Our reading rewards vending machine continues to be a focal point of our weekly celebrations on a Friday lunchtime. Pupils from all year groups are considered and selected for a range of approaches to demonstrating our TURVES Values, representing the school and attendance at extra-curricular clubs. 

Winners this week include: 

Year 7 

T Dudley for the most positive praise points in his house. 

Year 8 

S Jimale for being the student that consistently has great work ethic. 

Year 9  

R Imran – Continuing to set high standards within his form and involving himself in most facets of school life. 

Year 10 

S Scott – For demonstrating the turves values each day.   

Year 11 

C Caldicott & Z Reid Exceptional exemplification of our TURVES Values in supporting a struggling student. 

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Free Lectures at UOB

The University of Birmingham are hosting FREE Physics lectures in conjunction with the Institute of Physics! Please see the attached flier which is also placed around school. These would be great for our GCSE Physics pupils and anyone looking at studying Physics at A Level.

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Our new Foreign Language Assistant joins Turves Green Boys’ School today!

We are very pleased to welcome our new Foreign Language Assistant to Turves Green Boys’ School. Mr Bugnet has joined us from Lyon in France and will be working with pupils at our school. He will be helping pupils in all year groups to improve their spoken French which will in turn help them with their listening and writing in the French language. Mr Bugnet will be here with us until the end of May 2025. He has prepared a presentation that he will deliver to pupils this week and is a huge sports fan. He is a keen gymnast and also enjoys football.

 Bienvenue, Monsieur Bugnet!

Contact Info

Turves Green, Northfield,

Birmingham, B31 4BS

Contact Number: 0121 483 2890

Email: postbox@tgbs.co.uk

Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Copyright 2024 © All Rights Reserved

Free Lectures at UOB