

As we wrap up the first half term of the academic year 23/24, I wanted to take a moment to celebrate and acknowledge the outstanding rewards and achievements of our pupils at Turves Green Boys’ School.

Throughout the half-term, we have witnessed exceptional behaviour from our pupils, and it is with great pleasure that we recognise those who have consistently displayed outstanding conduct. These pupils have shown exemplary behaviour and have set a positive example for their peers.

Additionally, we would like to commend those pupils who have consistently put in their best effort in all aspects of their academic journey. Their dedication and commitment to their studies have not gone unnoticed, and we are proud to acknowledge their hard work.

Furthermore, we would like to highlight the pupils who have demonstrated the highest levels of attainment in their academic subjects. Their exceptional achievements serve as an inspiration to all, and we applaud their academic excellence.

Attendance is a vital aspect of pupil’s educational journey, and we are delighted to recognise those with excellent and outstanding attendance records. Their commitment to regular attendance showcases their dedication to their education and sets a positive example for their peers.

We also want to celebrate the pupils who have made significant progress in their reading abilities through our Accelerated Reading program. Their commitment to improving their literacy skills is commendable, and we are thrilled to acknowledge their accomplishments.

In addition to these individual awards, we would like to acknowledge the commendations that our pupils have received for their exceptional efforts and achievements. These commendations reflect the recognition they have received from their teachers and peers for their outstanding contributions to the school values and community.

Lastly, we would like to extend our congratulations to the recipients of the Head of House Star Pupil Award and the Headteacher Recognition Award. These awards highlight the pupils who have consistently gone above and beyond in all areas of their school life. Their exceptional qualities and dedication deserve special recognition.

We are incredibly proud of all our pupils and their achievements during this first half term of the academic year. Their hard work, determination, and positive contributions make Turves Green Boys’ School a truly remarkable place of learning.

We look forward to continuing our journey of success together in the second half of the term.


7X1 History

I wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate 7X1 (7B1) for their stand-out performance in History so far.  They have proven to be a pleasure to teach.  As a class, they are incredibly well behaved and delightfully polite and respectful.  They have been conscientious, hard working and have produced some amazing work both in class and for homework.

Well done for an amazing start to your History lessons at Turves Green Boys’ School!

Keep up the superb work!!!

Mr O’Brien


Year 7 Rugby

An excellent rugby training session took part just before half term where a number of our year 7 students were driven down to Five Ways Rugby and Cricket Club to take part in the tackle rugby. The students showed some real talent with some excellent passing, side stepping and tackling. Keep it up.


Cut your Carbon!

November is “cut your carbon” month and we are taking part! Pupils will be receiving information in form time about carbon emissions and how damaging they are to the environment and how we can each make small steps to help reduce our carbon emissions. There are posters being put up around school and each pupil can bring home a checklist to challenge themselves in cutting household carbon emissions for the month of November. If you want to know more, please see the posters displayed around the school or speak to one of the eco-committee who will be more than happy to help.

This week, the focus of cut your carbon month is the amount of carbon that can be saved by using alternative forms of transport to cars and just how much carbon a short flight to Spain uses! Here, we challenge you to come up with your own flightless adventure!


Year 10 Army Command Tasks

On Thursday 26th October, we welcomed representatives from the British Army to deliver a team building and leadership workshop with Year 10. Pupils got involved in a range of different tasks/activities which were specifically designed to develop their team building and leadership skills. Sgt. Haynes, a former pupil of Turves Green Boys’ School, led the day overall and presented key information to pupils about future career options in the army, as well as reinforcing the importance of team building and leadership skills. Overall, pupils thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and our visitors were complimentary of how our pupils conducted themselves and approached the tasks.


Lemon Battery building with Dr Driscoll

Two of our year 10 classes were visited by local battery scientist Dr Driscoll from the University of Birmingham this week. She talked to us about her work developing new lithium batteries such as the ones we use in our phones and electric vehicles. We then “acted out” being electrons and made our own batteries using lemons. Students figured out how to write up their own lemon battery and generate a potential difference, they then joined them together to increase the voltage in their circuit.

Dr Driscoll showed us what batteries were made of and what they look like after they are shredded. Students then had the opportunity to ask her questions and we were able to learn how she used X-rays to study the structure of battery materials.

Many thanks to Dr Driscoll for her visit.


Year 7 and 8 Singing Success

This half term every student in year 7 and year 8 have been improving their singing skills. Each week they have warmed up their voices using a range of technical exercises and songs, including their favourite “Poppa’s got a head like a ping pong ball”. The boys have then worked on different styles of music to showcase their understanding of musical elements. In the first singing lesson, they learnt how to sing in a round, they amazingly learnt three songs and were able to split into groups to perform these at the same time. We learnt “Consider Yourself!” from the musical ‘Oliver!’, in this they experimented with different dynamics (volumes) and we also learnt “Somewhere over the rainbow” from the ‘Wizard of Oz’, in which we looked at different tempos (speeds).

The boys have been absolutely incredible this half term and have become much more confident singers and this was reflected in their end of unit assessment.


Year 8 Football – Turves fire five past Moreton

On Thursday 19th October, the year 8 football team began their campaign in the WMCSFA U13 Cup. The team travelled to Moreton School in Wolverhampton to start their journey towards winning some silverware.

Moreton are a familiar foe as a similar fixture in the same round of the same cup only a year ago finished in an 8-1 win for TGBS. As the rain poured down, the whistle blew to start the game and Moreton spurned an early chance putting the ball narrowly wide. This galvanised a TGBS side who were looking for their first win of the season. A 10-minute flurry of excitement saw Demario H, Tamsir C and Lewis T smash goals in to give TGBS a 3-0 lead at half time.

The second half brought more of the same with two more goals being scored. A second for Demario H and the pick of the bunch from Connor J who struck a low driven shot from outside the area into the bottom right hand corner. A comfortable 5-0 win.

The team look forward to their next fixture in the cup but before then, Bishop Challoner awaits…


National Apprenticeships Team

On Thursday 19th October, we welcomed the National Apprenticeships Team into school to deliver an introduction assembly to Year 11 about the work that they do. As a school, we have been working closely with the National Apprenticeships Team over the last few years to support our pupils who are interested in apprenticeships with their next steps after Year 11. On Thursday, the Team showcased the different types of apprenticeships on offer and the requirements to access these. Over the next two school terms, the National Apprenticeships Team will be visiting us again to provide support to those pupils who are keen to apply for apprenticeships.


Next Gen Virtual Work Experience

On Wednesday 18th October, we welcomed the Next Gen team in to showcase virtual work experience for pupils in Years 8, 9 and 10. Our pupils were provided with a virtual insight to see what it is like to be an apprentice in a manufacturing setting. They had chance to hear from the Next Gen team about what they do and how to access apprenticeships in the future. We will be continuing to work with the Next Gen team in the future and hopefully will be providing some in person work experience too!

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Turves Green, Northfield,

Birmingham, B31 4BS

Contact Number: 0121 483 2890


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