Our reading rewards vending machine continues to be a focal point of our celebrations on a Friday lunchtime. Pupils from all year groups are considered and selected for a range of approaches to demonstrating our TURVES Values.
Winners this week include:
Year 7
P Curnew: his efforts around school. This week he has helped with the year 5 transition morning in science, he has attended rehearsals all week. As well as this Mrs Brittain was teaching about recipes in her French lesson. They looked at the recipe for a lemon drizzle cake. Patrick then, without being asked to, went home and made the lemon drizzle cake with his Nan.
S Jimale – for consistently showing Turves values and being an unsung member of his form that will continually and quietly get it right.
L Harbridge for his excellent behaviour and meeting expectations each and every day.
Year 8
C Kunzwa – For integrating into the school and having a hugely positive start.
Year 9
D Zema for his overall excellent behaviour record and fantastic effort in science this month.
Year 10
L Commander – For always showing outstanding effort in lessons and acquiring 0 negative points this year.