There is a lot to update you on from our Eco-club. Firstly, we spent an afternoon outside in our garden with the Tigers and Mr Sidhu where the pupils had a practice at being green fingered and planting the saplings graciously donated to us by the Woodland Trust. These will help provide a habitat and food for all sorts of wildlife around our site and hopefully encourage more to increase our biodiversity. How wonderful to see our pupils being “Respectful to All” and wanting to provide a “Valuable Contribution”.
Also, today the eco-club members have distributed new recycling bins to every classroom and office in the building. They were inspired by National Recycling Week and wanted to encourage all of our staff and pupils to help out. The pupils also wanted to take responsibility for this and will be emptying these on a rota, each week, to ensure they are being used properly. What a brilliant example of “Self-motivated to achieve”.
Finally, we took part in #Cutyourcarbon month, with over a third of the school participating, we have sent off our final numbers and eagerly await to see if we have won anything in the prize draw. A big round of applause to all of our pupils especially our eco-committee members for all the hard work they are doing to make Turves Greener.