School Uniform

Sports Kit
PE, Dance and Drama Kit
- Plain black short-sleeve polo shirt with collar.
- Plain black shorts or plain black tracksuit bottoms.
- Trainers (must not be high tops or pumps)
- Plain black socks
- Plain black jumper (No Hoods)
- Plain black football socks
- x2 Pens (Black or Blue)
- x1 Green Pen
- Ruler
- x1 Pencil
- Sharpener
- Rubber
- Pencil Case
- Glue Stick
School Shop
The following items are available to buy in the School shop (payment to be made using the school App):
• School Tie: £8.00
• School Badge for Blazer: £7.00
• School Planner: £2.50
• Black School bag: £1.50
• Eraser: 15p
• Pens (Black, Blue, Green): 10p
• Ruler 15cm: 10p
• Sharpener: 40p
• Glue Stick: 50p
Frequently Asked Questions
Each pupil will be placed in a house with a house tie. Each pupil will be informed which house they are in and also the colour of their house tie before the summer holidays.
Yes, the school jumper can still be worn. However, these jumpers will no longer be on sale and can be replaced by a plain V neck black jumper with your blazer if required.
Ties cost £7. If you need financial support please send an e mail to postbox@tgbs.co.uk and a tie will be given to your son.
No there is not a summer uniform. If parents have purchased the “blue Polo top” this can be worn for PE lessons.
Yes. All pupils must wear black leather style shoes- no trainer type of shoe is acceptable. Please see website for clarification and images. Parents will find shoes are significantly cheaper than trainers.
No. Prefects are awarded a prefect tie which is different to the house ties.
If you have any other questions about uniform
please send an email to postbox@tgbs.co.uk