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Princess Diana Anti Bullying Ambassador - Community Action Badge

Our pupils who are part of the Princess Diana Award had a heart warming and enriching experience at Limes Care Home as part of their community action badge. During their visit, the boys engaged with the residents in meaningful conversations, learning about their daily lives, personal histories, and the fascinating stories of their younger years. One of the most exciting discoveries was that the oldest resident at the care home is 97 years old! The boys were also delighted to hear about the two adorable rabbits that the residents cherish and enjoy spending time with, adding an extra layer of joy to the visit.

In addition to chatting with the residents, the boys participated in various games, which the residents thoroughly enjoyed. It was wonderful to see the boys interact so naturally and enthusiastically with the older generation. They learned that one resident had even worked for the Queen, a fun and unique fact that made the experience even more memorable. Watching the boys’ bond with the residents and contribute to the atmosphere of care and companionship was truly a heart-warming sight, showcasing the power of intergenerational connections and the positive impact of community service.

We are incredibly proud to have such thoughtful and respectful pupils here at Turves Green Boys' School. Their kindness, dedication, and positive attitudes reflect not only the values of our school but also make them a true credit to our community. Their actions inspire those around them, and we are grateful for the wonderful example they set every day.

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Creative Writing Key Pieces – Year 9

We have been very much enjoying the skills evident in creative writing amongst Year 9s over the past week.

For their mid-term ‘Key Piece’ in English, students been a descriptive piece about a desolate character on a seashore. The results have been remarkable, not to mention evocative, thoughtful and moving. Like this from L. Cullen (9T1) who used his piece to depict isolation loneliness and sacrifice, describing his figure as a guardian: ‘His immense presence, standing at attention, though painfully isolated from any comrades. He could not falter; his duty was to the ocean’.

There are also many fine examples of students using techniques and structures that will help them develop into confident authors by the time they begin their GCSE years. At this stage students are busy experimenting with new words, techniques and images to see if they can create a telling impact with their description. Like J. Hollick (9T1) who uses the image of a struggling sun to show us how his character might also be struggling, ‘Despite the clouds blanketing the Earth in a grim grey, the sun’s heat still somehow manages to fight through the clouds, keeping me warm...’ A. Williams (9T1) skilfully uses the metaphor of a bird appearing to signal a change of mood and also uses a triplet of adverbs to help the reader feel what his character is feeling, ‘Zooming and gliding effortlessly across the sky, a dove contrasted with its desolate surroundings. Delicately, beautifully, elegantly, the dove reminded me of what I could have been. L. Thompson-Clarke (9T1) uses a simple repeated phrase to convey a feeling of growing sadness: ‘I sink deeper. Eyes glazed over, I stare off into the grey sky trying to find solace and hope from the weak light that penetrates the clouds only to be reflected and rejected by the sea. I sink deeper.’

These are just four, but there are many such examples of thoughtful and imaginative young authors in the making.



Art department draw Barack Obama!

The Art department wanted you to see some of the amazing portraits that pupils in year 9 have produced this week. They are hoping you can tell who it is meant to be; Barack Obama! 

G Thompson

A Williams

Z Clifton

D Pere- Enaregha

C Kunzwa

F McKinnon

L Turner

C Boadi

M. Yahya Khan

L Thompson Clarke


Warhammer World Trip

On the 5th of March , 27 pupils from our school’s Warhammer Alliance embarked on an exciting trip to Warhammer World in Nottingham. The day was packed with activities, offering students the chance to explore the fascinating exhibits, showcasing the rich lore and stunning models of the Warhammer universe.

The visit included opportunities to build and paint the ‘model of the month’ from the past four months, allowing everyone to get creative and hands-on with the hobby. Students also had the chance to play big games of Warhammer 40K on the specialist boards at Warhammer world including a massive 3-way battle.

In addition to the hobby sessions, pupils were able to visit the Warhammer shop, where they could purchase their own models to take home and continue their painting and modelling journey. Many students left with new kits and a spark of inspiration for future Warhammer Club sessions.

A special highlight of the day was receiving a generous gift of battle mats and dice cups from Warhammer World. These anniversary gifts will be a fantastic addition to our club, enhancing our future games and activities.

The Warhammer Club welcomes all students, from complete beginners to experienced hobbyists. If you’re interested in strategy, creativity, and a bit of friendly competition, come along and join us!


World Book Day 2025

Following his motivational talks last World Book Day, TGBS welcomed back local author and leadership consultant, Errol Lawson. This visit was particularly special as Errol was launching his brand new book: 'How to Become Unstoppable: A Guide for Teens' inspired by our very own pupils! Some of our boys had reviews the book ahead of going to print. He was proud to share that his most recent book had been inspired by the questions and ideas presented by our boys last year.

His sessions included awareness of county lines, substance abuse and knife crime. Our pupils are currently learning about these issues in PSHE. As part of County Lines Awareness Week, it was important to raise the profile of these issues for our pupils from someone who has experienced it first-hand.

Pupils were invited to take part in a Q&A and some pupils even got the opportunity to give a motivational speech to their peers. The boys were rewarded with signed copies of the new book.

Pupils who have read the most of our 16 by 16 books and made rapid progress in their reading were selected to take part in a workshop focusing on making goals for the future and considering careers building in their curriculum work this week as part of Careers Week.

Year 11 received a motivational assembly ahead of their mocks and the reviewers were given an insight into the publishing industry during an invite only session in the library after school.

An incredible day of enrichment for our pupils.

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Romeo & Juliet

Over the past term, the boys have been studying Romeo and Juliet, and as part of their learning, they created impressive posters that reflect their deep understanding of the play. The posters demonstrate their ability to analyse key themes, characters, and moments from the story, showcasing the knowledge they've gained throughout the term. In addition to creating these visual representations, the boys worked hard to present their ideas to their classmates. They took the time to explain their creative choices and how these choices relate to the themes of the play.

Pupils also collaborated with one another, offering support and encouragement as they refined their work and expanded their understanding of the material. This collaborative effort allowed them to enhance both their individual and collective knowledge, creating a positive learning experience for everyone involved. The project highlighted not only their academic growth but also their teamwork and communication skills.


Celebrating Success: A Fantastic End to Spring 1!

We are incredibly proud of our pupils for their hard work and dedication this half-term, celebrated in our Awards and Acknowledgment Assembly. A huge well done to those recognised by their Head of House for consistently demonstrating our school values!

A special congratulation to our Head of House Award winners:

🏆 Austin House (Mr. Brennan): A Starmer, Year 10 & J Allabush, Year 8
🏆 Boulton House (Mr. Stafford): A Moore, Year 7 & E Hevey, Year 10
🏆 Tolkien House (Mr. Kelley): Y Embaye, Year 7 & B Shahzad, Year 9


The Herbert Art Gallery and Museum Trip

On January 18th Year 7 went on a visit to The Herbert Art Gallery and Museum in Coventry. Pupils saw the 'Dippy' the diplodocus fossil which is touring from the Natural History Museum in London and they made some detailed drawings of the skeleton. There was also an exhibition of art from the Coventry archives which included a wonderful selection of paintings, sculptures and natural objects. There were some samples of 'scents' and 'fragrances' based on such delights as 'essence of penguin and fish oil' which the boys enjoyed trying out!  Pupils were able to try on medieval helmets and chain mail, and practice weaving.   There was also an interactive digital exhibition called 'Microworlds' which enabled pupils to interact and create their own digital art. The pupils had a thoroughly enjoyable day and many members of the public and museum staff complimented them on their enthusiasm and good behaviour. 


UK Maths Challenge Success

Year 9 and year 10 are celebrating an amazing success in the UK Maths Trusts’ intermediate Maths Challenge. Two weeks ago students completed an hour long set of maths challenges in exam conditions and have now received the awards. Our students did fantastically, achieving 4 silver certificates and 11 Bronze certificates! Congratulations to everyone who took part who all walked away with a certificate of participation. And especially to those who earnt one of the three awards.

Bronze awards were achieved by:

O. Aboukharroub 9T1

S. Stevens 9T1

G. Thomson 9T1

S. Ahmed-Danfulani 10A2

J. Choi 10A1

T. Clarke 10T1

C. Hatcher 10A1

H. Mackcracken 10A1

S. Scott 10B1

D. Shi 10T1

G. Vann-Richards 10A1

Silver awards were achieved by:

O. Ames 10A1

S. Fazlisheshbluki 10A2

L. Gittus 10T1


Y. Khan 9T1 (who also achieved the highest score in the school)Congratulations to all who took part, and we look forward to the year 7s and 8s taking part in the junior maths challenge later in the year.


Celebrating Success: A Positive End to the Spring 1 Half-Term

As we conclude the Spring 1 half-term, we are proud to celebrate the achievements of our pupils in our end-of-term Awards and Acknowledgment Assembly. This event is a fantastic opportunity to recognise the hard work, dedication, and commitment our pupils demonstrate each day.

A special congratulation goes to the pupils who received the Head of School Award, personally acknowledged by Mr Walker, Head of School. These pupils have consistently embodied our school values through their outstanding attitude, perseverance, and contribution to school life.

Head of School Award Recipients:

⭐ Year 7: J Melling

⭐ Year 8: P Wright

⭐ Year 9: T Cham

⭐ Year 10: S Scott

Well done to all of our award winners and to every pupil who has shown dedication and determination this half-term. We are incredibly proud of you!

We look forward to seeing everyone after the break, ready for another term of learning, growth, and success.

Contact Info

Turves Green, Northfield,

Birmingham, B31 4BS

Contact Number: 0121 483 2890

Email: postbox@tgbs.co.uk

Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

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