
Design Technology - September

Year 7 students have been learning how to heat and mould plastics. They have used CAD software to design a logo, using a laser cutter to engrave their designs onto phone holders.

Year 8 students have been learning about lamination and experimenting with different categories of wood. They have also been using forging techniques to bend metals.

Year 9 students have been learning about electronics and how to solder PCB circuits. They are currently learning about the different units of power for electronics and the various types of circuit.

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Introduction to Mathswatch

Over this week and last week all maths classes will be introduced to Mathswatch. Most students will have seen this website before as the maths department has been using it for the last few years to set maths homework. Homeworks will once again be set on matswatch from Thursday to Thursday each week and will be a great opportunity for students to recap what they have learnt in the week as well as get hints at what topics will be coming up in the future and what core maths skills may be needed for those lessons.

As well as being able to set homework that will be instantly marked for pupils at home it also has a vast array of other resources our students can use to further their maths education. Clicking on videos at the top right will let you find any topic you can think of, view a video to help you with that topic and also some interactive questions that will be marked for you. As you watch videos and get involved with your learning you will earn points that will be tracked on a school wide leader board. There will be shout outs and prizes to those students who have completed the most extra lessons for that half term.

If you are struggling to log in to Mathswatch please talk to your maths teacher before or after school or at breaktime and they can log in with you.


Article Writing

7x1 have glided their way into secondary school and have settled in wonderfully! All boys are putting in their best effort, and trying their hardest. 7x1 were given the task of article writing 13/09 which they all took too really wonderfully.   In year 7, the boys look at a text called ‘Ghost Boys’ which highlights racism and the unjust social system of America.

They were asked to write a short article making people aware of how Jerome was unfortunately killed and they had to make sure they included emotive language.   Three boys did this in particular, these were: Theo E (7A1), Christopher F (7A1) and Joshua H (7A1). Their writing was superb and allowed themselves to venture outside the box.

They all created their own metaphor to allow their readers to feel captured by the emotion they feel. Christopher F did this spectacularly through a series of rhetorical questions: “Why did he get killed? Why? Why?! Why?!!”.   Well done to all of these boys! Moving from year 6 to year 7 isn’t an easy task, but they have made it look easy with their written work!    

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Young Writers Mission Chaos Competition

At TURVES we aim to teach our students to build a love of reading and through this we have managed to find some writers in the mix! During our previous academic year there was a multitude of creative writing competitions. One of these competitions was held by YoungWriters and they challenged the students to write a 100-word story on chaos. Thirteen boys submitted their work and all of them were successful in receiving the opportunity to publish in an anthology.

Congratulations: T. Farrell (10B1), J. Welds (10A2), N. Shaw (10A1), T. Clarke (10T1), S. Ahmed-Daufulani (10A2), S. Scott (10B1), J. Choi (10A1), E. Hevey, (10B1), L. Gittus (10T1), J. Jeremy (10A1), A. Payne (10T1), C. Kunzwa (9A1), A. Imtaz (10A1)

Their hard work and endeavour have certainly been recognised 😊

The English department are truly thrilled to know that their creativity will now extend to readers and as a school we are extremely proud to see our students engaging and succeeding in the literary field.

We would also like to say a special thank you to our Librarian Miss Deakin as the library has been a hub for these competitions and she has been fantastic at both organising and support!

Just below are some photos of the successful students and one of their English teachers.

More competitions are also available in the upcoming weeks and the most recent is the YoungWriters Poetry competition.

If students require any more information please see Miss Deakin or any member of the English Department 😊

Well Done and Happy Writing!


Feel Good Friday

We happily welcomed back our ‘feel good’ Friday lunch time rewards this week. Heads of House select one pupil per year group for a multitude of reasons to be celebrated at lunch time and presented with a token to select a book from our reading rewards vending machine.   Senior Leaders then select one pupil from each year group. 

 This week’s winners were selected for the most class charts points in their first week.

  • Y7 A Moore – amazing contributions in form time  
  • Y8 A Dale – always being polite and respectful, upholding Turves Values 
  • Y9 J Stewart – Most positives in his House 
  • Y10 G V. Richards – H MackCracken – Increased merits and great start to GCSEs 
  • Y11 C Wildman – Zeph Benjamin – Excellent start to Year 11 

International Day of Democracy

Schools across Matrix Academy Trust have been recognising the International Day of Democracy (15th September).​

International Day of Democracy began in 1997 and it is based on the principles of equality, liberty, and justice. Democracy is essential for human rights and development.​

Schools will be considering the meaning behind the international day, but also our modern British values – democracy and individual liberty.​

We practise democracy in all of our schools by electing pupils to take on various roles and responsibilities on behalf of their peers including Form Captains, School Council Representatives, Personal Development Ambassadors, Anti-Bullying Ambassadors and Careers Champions.​

We will be celebrating democracy in our schools across the week by voting for our peers and encouraging our pupils to take on these fulfilling roles for the academic year ahead.


Year 11s fantastic start to their GCSE year

Year 11 have made fantastic start to their exam year in their maths lessons. Through both their maths lessons and form time maths interventions year 11 have got a clear aim to uphold the Turves values and be self-motivated to achieve.

In form time students are completing a mix of focus tasks targeted to specific points in the exam paper to build up maximum marks. They are also spending time looking at the 1 and 2 mark core skills questions to maximise their marks in the first half of the paper.

In lessons Miss Soden and Mrs E. Hussain’s class’ have started looking at Pythagoras’ Theorem and Trigonometry to explore side lengths and angles in 2D and 3D shapes. Mrs Love’s class are plotting and exploring Cumulative Frequency graphs. Mr Adam’s is looking at probability and Mrs M. Hussain’s are looking at rounding.

Shout outs to J. Rouse 11B1, J. Oguntimehin 11B1, M. Bates 11A1, J.Inman 11T1 and G.Worrall 11B2 who’s beautiful work is shown below. Great effort year 11, keep it up!


Friday Book Vending Machine Rewards

We happily welcomed back our ‘feel good’ Friday lunch time rewards this week. Heads of House select one pupil per year group for a multitude of reasons to be celebrated at lunch time and presented with a token to select a book from our reading rewards vending machine.   Senior Leaders then select one pupil from each year group.

 This week’s winners were selected for the most class charts points in their first week?

Y7 B Singh

Y8 E Kenny

Y9 B Mallet

Y10 G V. Richards

Y11 C Wildman

English image

Year 11 Literature study: introducing ‘An Inspector Calls’

In English, we have welcomed Year 11 pupils back and have begun our study of our last key literature text: the play 'An Inspector Calls' by J.B. Priestley. To appreciate the play as a dramatic piece, pupils are performing each act with their peers serving as the audience. Thus far, our 'actors' are engaging well with the script and are interpreting the dialogue and stage directions to bring Priestley's characters to life, much to the enjoyment of the audience. Pupils' understanding of stagecraft is also developing; they appreciate the importance of setting, lighting and props, for example, to enhance the play in performance. Special mentions go to S. Ndong, W. Cornick, M. Weston, Z. Reid and C. Bosley (pictured right to left) for their valuable contributions; they have depicted the Birlings' dinner party with confidence, enthusiasm and insight. An excellent start to the year and your studies, Year 11!


TGBS School Musical - Alfie (Annie)

In the summer term the Boys at Turves Green Boys' School captured the heartwarming and optimistic spirit of Alfie The Musical , with its famous story of a young orphans journey from a bleak orphanage to a life of hope and love. The audiences loved the lively group numbers such as "It's the Hard-Knock Life" and "You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile," alongside powerful solo performances like "Tomorrow."

The creativity, hard work, and dedication of the students and staff in putting together such a performance made this production memorable. The energy from the ensemble cast, the emotional depth of the lead actors with Hannigan, in particular, a scene-stealer with his over-the-top disdain for the orphans and hilarious antics offered a truly special theatrical experience.

The Creative Arts department are already in discussions of what our next TGBS Summer School Musical will be!

But before that look out for more information on our Christmas Talent Show

Contact Info

Turves Green, Northfield,

Birmingham, B31 4BS

Contact Number: 0121 483 2890

Email: postbox@tgbs.co.uk

Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

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