
Youth Violence

Turves Green Boys' School welcomes inspiring guest speaker Alison Cope to educate pupils on youth violence.

In a captivating and heartfelt event, we had the privilege of hosting Alison Cope, a remarkable guest speaker and mother of Joshua Ribera, who tragically lost his life to violence in 2013. Alison's unwavering commitment to preventing youth violence by sharing her son's unique life and death story has made a profound impact on countless young people.

Alison's visit provided our KS4 pupils with a valuable opportunity to learn about the realities and consequences of youth violence. Through her powerful storytelling, she not only shed light on the devastating loss she experienced but also highlighted the importance of making positive choices and the far-reaching impact of violence on individuals, families, and communities.

Alison's talk was both educational and thought-provoking, leaving a lasting impression on our pupils. Her ability to connect with the audience on an emotional level truly captivated their attention and sparked meaningful conversations about the issue of youth violence.

Through her tireless efforts, Alison has become a beacon of hope and inspiration, working tirelessly to create awareness and drive change. By sharing her personal journey, she strives to empower young people to make informed decisions and choose non-violence over aggression.

The impact of Alison's visit extended beyond the event itself. Our KS4 pupils expressed their appreciation for the time and educational opportunities that Alison provided. Her story touched their hearts and left them with a deeper understanding of the consequences of violence.


An Eco-committee collaboration with Catering!

When Ms Parker heard about how well the pupils vegetables were doing in the garden (progress pictures to be shared next week when we’ve done the last of the planting) she asked if we had thought about growing herbs.

Luckily, the seed box the pupils received contained many different varieties and the first has germinated! Here you can see the start of the curly cress which Ms Parker requested so the catering team can use not only our home grown fruit and veg in the pupils food, but also add a bit of flavour with our fresh herbs! We are all about collaboration and sustainability here at TGBS and can’t wait until our produce are ready to harvest so Ms Parker and her team can cook us up something tasty!


National Scientific Thinking Challenge

This week our triple science Y10 students had the opportunity to take part in the National Scientific Thinking Challenge this is an online quiz that has been written by staff from 

Warwick, Southampton, Bristol, Newcastle, Manchester and Oxford Universities.

The questions are decoupled from the GCSE curriculum; they have been created by taking 6 current areas of scientific research and development and presenting the students with data and information for them to interpret and analyse. This really gave our student to use the transferrable science skills that they have developed over the last four years.

Students marks will be ranked and those in the top 10% are awarded Gold, the top 25%, silver and the top 40% bronze certificates later this year. 

Well done to all of our students who took on the challenge and showed off their fantastic thinking and analytical skills.



Vending Machine Rewards

Our reading rewards vending machine continues to be a focal point of our celebrations on a Friday lunchtime. Pupils from all year groups are considered and selected for a range of approaches to demonstrating our TURVES Values.

Winners this week include:

Y7: C Grundy -For excellent behaviour record

Y8: L Turner - continued perseverance with learning.  

Year 9: W Charles-Tracey – Excellent effort and most praise points in Boulton this week.  

Year 10: J Inman – Improved effort and attitude this week.  

Year 11: M Beach – improved attitude to GCSEs


Macbeth Production

Katch 22 Production performed Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’ to our Year 10 and 11 pupils last week. The actors drew out key themes and characters to deepen our pupils’ understanding of the play and bring it to life. Our Year pupils have just finished studying the play and were able to link their learning to dramatic techniques in the play. For our Year 11 pupils, it precedes their GCSE English Literature Exam in two weeks’ time and proved to be perfect revision for them. Katch 22 will return to us next year for more performances.


“This is a school transformed.” – Ofsted Grading

"This is a school transformed." - Turves Green Boys' School Ofsted Report, April 2024

Pupils, parents, staff and trustees are celebrating the publication of our Ofsted report which has graded us Good with Outstanding Behaviour & Attitudes and Leadership & Management.

Ofsted observed that "pupils are rightfully proud of this unique school" and "staff enjoy their work and feel supported to grow professionally".

We were delighted that inspectors were able to capture in words the scale of the transformation that has taken place at our school less than three years since joining Matrix. It's fantastic that Ofsted saw what we see every day and recognised the work everyone has done to get to this point. This Ofsted outcome will support Turves in getting even better. 

When Mr Till took on the school as headteacher in April 2021, the school had previously been Inadequate and placed in Special Measures. Fast forward almost three years and Ofsted not only judged the school to be Good overall but recognised the Outstanding Behaviour and Attitudes of pupils and the Outstanding Leadership and Management which has effected this transformation.

Inspectors were very impressed with the warm, supportive and inclusive culture of our school, citing "very strong relationships" between staff and pupils. Turves Green Boys' School's pupils "support each other very well" and "pupils know that any adult in the school will be able to help them".

Ofsted observed that trustees "are robust in their support and challenge" and that "those working for the trust support developments effectively and share the high-quality practice developed at the school more widely."

So much of what works so well at Turves has already been shared with other trust schools - and beyond.

Well done everyone.


HS2 Engineering Event

Fifty Year 9 pupils engaged in a STEM event organised by HS2 and the SmallPeice Trust. They delved into the engineering marvels of HS2 and met with the dedicated engineers involved. Through a series of challenges and immersive activities, they gained valuable insights into the diverse skillset of engineers.

Congratulations to Year 9! Your exceptional attitude, engagement, and enthusiasm throughout the day were truly commendable. You are shining examples and bring great credit to the school!


Bletchley Park Trip

Last Thursday year 9 students had the opportunity to visit Bletchley Park, the home of the codebreakers. This was the site that Alan Turing, Gordon Welchman and Bill Tutte along with over 8,000 other people during the Second World War worked tirelessly to decrypt German, Japanese and Italian communication. Their work was vital for the Allies to understand the positions and movements of enemy troops all throughout the war.

Students got a guided tour of the facility which included the main manor building where operations started. They also got to visit the garages that contained motorbikes of Dispatch Riders as well as cars of the Special Liaison Units that contained hidden radios for high ranking officers connecting them straight to Bletchley Park. Students also got to explore the extra communication huts built throughout the war which had various displays, exhibits and projections explaining more of Bletchley Parks role in the war. As well as seeing the Polish memorial honouring Polish mathematicians on their early work breaking Engima.

Finally, was a session put together by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) on the 6 most important things for keeping safe online. Students looked at creating strong, memorable passwords, the importance of privacy on social media websites, keeping data secure using password managers and how biometrics can help secure our information using a variety of interactive tasks.


Year 7 & 8 visits the University of Birmingham

On Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th April, a group of 50 Year 7 and Year 8 pupils visited the University of Birmingham in order to find out more information about university life. Pupils had a tour of the historic campus, as well as experiencing all of the different aspects of life as a university student from lectures and seminars to the vast range of clubs and societies on offer.


Great Greenhouse Effect Effort

A wonderful example of “self-motivated to achieve” from C Hopley in year 8 today. His diagram clearly shows the greenhouse effect (both natural and exacerbated by carbon dioxide emissions). He was also first in the class to finish and want to show off his work. Excellent effort, keep it up!

Contact Info

Turves Green, Northfield,

Birmingham, B31 4BS

Contact Number: 0121 483 2890


Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

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