Year 8 Drama

Year 8 are currently devising their Drama performance with each week focusing on a different skill. This week they have been looking at action scenes. Action scenes within drama performances serve as crucial moments where tension, conflict, and resolution occur. They offer actors a chance to showcase their physical prowess and emotional range, while providing audiences with an adrenaline-fueled spectacle. The Year 8 boys took to this weeks task with energy and enthusiasm.

Watch the video: IMG_8616 (1).MOV


Mathswatch Leaderboard - November

This month in the maths department we have had had have 63 hours’ of work completed on Mathswatch. With 360 logins, and over 1700 questions attempted. 

Last month our top user was S. Ahmed-Danfulani 9A1 who spend nearly 4 hours attempted questions, revising and watching videos. Join second was L. Connolly 7B1 and J. Oguntimehin 10T1 who both spent 158 minutes working. Final special mention this month goes to L. Larkin in 9B1who has shown he is self-motivated to achieve watching the largest number of instructional videos that compliment the questions on mathswatch. Any student stuck on a homework question or questions they have assigned to themselves can watch the videos attached to any question to help them answer it.


Turves Fitness Frenzy

As part of the TGBS Physical Education curriculum, every student takes part in a block of teaching around Health-Related Fitness. As part of this, we look at components of fitness, methods of training and ways to link this to other physical activities in our lives. The aim of this is to encourage all our students to live a healthy and active lifestyle.

Along HRF in lessons, we also have a fitness club after school on a Friday which is run by Mr. Woodall. Students from all year groups have attended in order to try and develop or maintain a healthy style as they begin to understand why it is so important.

“Being physically active can improve your mental health, help manage weight, reduce the risk of disease, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve your ability to do everyday activities” - CDC

The physical and mental benefits to fitness and physical activity are endless and we are looking forward to more people participating in fitness club!


SEND Newsletter

The SEND Department are proud to have hosted their first ever Parents’ Coffee Morning on Thursday 23rd November. Thank you so much to those parents who found time in their busy schedule to come and meet with me and Matt O’Neill from the CAT Team. It provided a wonderful opportunity to catch up with you all and I do hope you found it beneficial. These links between home and school are so crucial to help us in supporting your child; I know that I speak for myself and the boys when I say we really appreciated your attendance at the event. Look out for details of more Coffee Mornings with us in the New Year! 

It has been lovely to meet and get to know all of the boys on the SEND register and their families over the course of this term. I look forward to booking more SEND reviews with all of you in the New Year. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to reach out and contact me if there is anything you feel your child needs additional support with in school.

Finally, Christmas can be a tricky time for neurodivergent children or children with SEND. This could be the case if your child has Autism, ADHD, a Sensory Processing Disorder, or if your child experiences anxiety or anxious feelings. Planning in advance can help you all adapt and enjoy the festive period. For some advice and more guidance on this topic, please follow the link below:

From all of us in the SEND Department, we wish you a very peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year.


BTEC Sport Year 11

BTEC Sport Year 11 students recently completed Component 2, showcasing not only academic prowess but also a remarkable array of athletic skills across various sports. Their dedication and hard work have proven instrumental in their success, highlighting a commitment to excellence both inside and outside the classroom.

The students' outstanding progress in learning training methods and components of fitness has been a standout feature, laying a strong foundation for their upcoming Component 3 exam. The seamless integration of theoretical knowledge with practical skills acquired through sports demonstrates a holistic understanding of the subject matter.

As Year 11 prepares for the next academic challenge, their achievements thus far emphasise a year of commendable success, combining academic achievement with a genuine passion for sports and physical well-being. Congratulations to Year 11 on a year marked by exceptional accomplishments!


Year 10 Study Heart Dissection

This term year 10 students have been studying the structure of the heart. As part of this classes have had the opportunity to dissect real sheep hearts.

Students were taught safe handling of hearts wearing gloves, aprons and washing hands and surfaces afterwards. We were amazed to see the difference in thickness of the wall of the left ventricle (which pumps blood around the body) compared to the right (which pumps blood to the lungs).

Students were able to get up close and feel the very thin heart valves, make incisions using appropriate techniques and build their understanding of this amazing organ. Well done all of our students who showed a great enthusiasm and motivation to learn. 


Next Gen Apprenticeships Assembly

On Thursday 30th November, Year 11 had an assembly delivered by representatives from Next Gen future makers and Samuel Taylor ltd. Pupils learnt more about the advantages of apprenticeships, as well as gaining an understanding of Samuel Taylor ltd and what the experiences of apprentices was like. Following the presentation, pupils had the chance to speak to apprentices and learn about the different products that Samuel Taylor ltd produces.


Year 11 practical PE lessons

We are delighted to share some exciting news about our Year 11 Sport pupils! As part of their sport course, pupils have been delivering PE lessons to their peers. We are immensely proud of their outstanding planning, delivery, and justifications, which have truly showcased their talent and dedication.

Our Year 11 pupils have demonstrated exceptional skills in designing and executing engaging PE lessons. They have shown meticulous planning, considering various learning styles and abilities to ensure all pupils are fully engaged and able to participate. Their creativity and innovation have allowed for diverse and inclusive activities that cater to the unique needs of each pupil.

Moreover, we are thrilled to report that the pupils involved in these lessons have exhibited exemplary behaviour for learning. They have displayed a genuine enthusiasm for the subject and an eagerness to actively participate in every session. The positive atmosphere created by both the pupils delivering the lessons and those taking part has contributed successful learning environments.

The commitment and hard work demonstrated by our Year 11 Sport pupils have not only benefited their peers but have also proven to be an invaluable learning experience for themselves. By taking on the responsibility of teaching, they have developed their leadership, communication, and organisational skills.

We would like to extend our appreciation to the Year 11 Sport pupils for their exceptional contributions.


Matrix Performing Arts Showcase 2023

Matrix Performing Arts Showcase: A Spectacular Display of Dynamic Talent

Turves Green Boys School recently played host to an amazing showcase that left the audience in awe of the exceptional talents on display. This remarkable event brought together seven different schools from across the trust, each delivering performances across various performing art disciplines.

The showcase featured an eclectic mix of acts, ranging from dazzling dance routines to mesmerizing musical performances, captivating drama productions to enchanting choir performances. Each school brought its unique flavour and style, adding to the overall diversity of the event. The performers exuded confidence and professionalism, commanding the stage with their unwavering presence.

It is worth noting that these performances were not the sole result of individual brilliance but also a testament to the collaborative efforts of the schools involved.

The Matrix Performing Arts Showcase, as the name implies, exemplified the power of the performing arts in bringing communities together. This event became a celebration of diversity and creativity.


Year 8 & 9 - Visit to Oxford University

On Thursday 15th November, a group of Year 8 and Year 9 students visited Oxford University in order to find out more information about university life. Students visited both Keble and Christchurch College. These are just 2 of the 43 that Oxford have. Christchurch college boasts being one of the settings for the film series Harry Potter.

Between tours of the 2 colleges, which were led by university ambassadors, students were able to experience a flavour of university life by having lunch in Keble College’s great hall. As well as developing their knowledge, and a taste for fine dining, students came away from the visit with a new-found level of aspiration and motivation to succeed.

We look forward to seeing our students walk across the stage at a graduation in the future!

Contact Info

Turves Green, Northfield,

Birmingham, B31 4BS

Contact Number: 0121 483 2890


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