
Year 11 Army Experience

On Monday 13th September, some year 11 pupils were able to get some first-hand advice and information about Army careers.  Members of the Army came into school and ran sessions about life in the Army, careers and training opportunities.  Pupils were also able to take part in team building, problem solving and awareness activities.


‘It was a really interesting day. I gained greater knowledge of what the army can offer and the careers it can lead to. It was also fun, I really enjoyed the air-soft shooting and target practice.’


‘It was a fun day.  I really enjoyed the shooting range and measuring reaction times. It was also interesting to learn about the options available to you in the Army such as Engineering and Mechanics.  I also learned how you can get paid while you are learning.  It has definitely given me more options to consider when I leave school’


‘It was interesting to get to know the soldiers and their backgrounds, as well as their mentality and what it is like in the Army day to day.  I learned about their fitness routines as well as the career opportunities.  It has definitely turned my mind to consider the opportunities the Army has to offer.’


Prefect Training - Ackers Trust

On Monday 13th September, 26 Year 11 Prefects attended training at Ackers Trust.  Here, they undertook team building exercises.  They were put under pressure and had to make decisions in difficult situations. The Prefects were then tasked with Canoeing, something many had not done, they were paired with people that they will have to work with.   Here they had to work in tandem to ensure the Canoe turned the right way, went in the right direction, and most importantly did not sink (This cannot be said for all the boats). The pupils finished with tobogganing in the afternoon.  It appears very few fear speed nor heights.

The Prefects put these skills to work on Tuesday 14th September in the schools open evening. The prefects toured parents around the School, answered questions from year 6 pupils as well as parents.

The prefects will now finish the rest of their training, they will be safeguard trained ready to start peer mentoring as well as paired reading with younger pupils.


Start of Term Times

First Day of Lessons

The first day of school when all pupils start lessons is Monday 6th September. We will have a staggered start and pupils will line up on the playground as they have done all year. 

The table below explains the start times for each year group.

Year GroupStart time
Year 7 & 118.50am
Year 89.30am
Year 99.50am
Year 1010.10am

We are looking forward to welcoming you all back and kick starting the academic year!


Summer Maths Activities

You can access a wealth of Maths activities over the summer holidays using the links below: : Hegarty Maths : Games, puzzles, times tables : Interactive activities for most topics : Family maths games : Interactive games and challenges : Maths quizzes by topic


Member of Parliament Visit

Year 9 pupils from Turves Green Boys' School met with the MP for Northfield, Gary Sambrook and were able to question him about some of the key issues affecting young people in the local area.  They questioned him on issues such as: climate change, education,  facilities for young people in the area and even foreign policy!  They were also able to ask about his own ambition to be a politician.  

A big thank you to Gary for taking the time to visit Turves Green Boys' School and spend sometime with our pupils.


Cashless School

I am sure you will appreciate that the current pandemic situation has forced us to review a number of processes within Turves Green Boys’ School.  Most of you will be familiar with Parent Mail, our cashless system that enables you to pay remotely for trips, school meals and any other school related purchases. Parent Mail can be accessed securely via computer or smartphone. 

From 7th June 2021, Turves Green Boys’ School will become a cashless school. This will mean that we will no longer accept cash for any school related purchase including school meals. All payments will be made remotely via our Parent Mail system, or alternatively via a PayPoint retailer using a barcode. The cash top up machines within school will be removed. 

Most schools became cashless to reduce the health risk to pupils and staff, as well as for security reasons.

For the majority of you there will be no change as you actively use Parent Mail accounts.  However; there are some parents/carers who have never actively used their child’s Parent Mail account. It is essential that parents/carers activate their child’s Parent Mail account otherwise they will be unable to purchase any food within school or attend any trips/events etc. Should you have any queries regarding this, please email

Thank you for your continued support.


Joining Matrix Academy Trust

Dear Parents/Carers, 

I am delighted to announce that Turves Green Boys’ School is to join Matrix Academy Trust. We are a Trust with four schools, 4,600 children, nearly 600 staff and a passion for school improvement. All of our schools have improved in Ofsted terms since joining the Trust. Our aim will be to work with pupils, parents and staff at Turves Green Boys’ to support the many improvements that have taken place since the school was placed in special measures. 

As a Trust we have high expectations of pupil behaviour both within and outside of school. Our commitment to safeguarding children is very strong. Usually we would have met with parents to introduce ourselves and give you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. If you do have any questions please do not hesitate to send them addressed to me at 

Turves Green Boys’ School will become an Academy on 1 May 2021. This means that instead of Birmingham City Council employing the staff, the staff will transfer across to be employed by Matrix Academy Trust. We pride ourselves in developing outstanding teachers and support staff. Our schools all have committed staff and a wide range of before and after school activities including a Combined Cadet Force, Duke of Edinburgh opportunities and children who are very keen to learn. 

We hope that working in partnership with yourselves and your sons, together we can make a big difference at Turves Green Boys’ School. 

Thank you for your continued support. 


Online Safety Guides

  • 5 top tips for safer social networking - If you use social networks always think about who can see the things you post and what they reveal about you.
  • Know who your friends are - It’s really tempting to accept as many friend requests or follows as possible. It can make us feel popular. But remember, they could be anyone. Do you really want them seeing your pictures, videos or comments?
  • Share with care - Once you’ve put something online it can be copied, shared or edited. It could turn up somewhere you wouldn't want it to be.
  • Use privacy settings - Most social networks let you limit what you share to friends or followers you’ve OKed. It’s always a good idea to only let people you know and trust see your stuff. Learn how to use privacy settings and how to block people who are bothering you.
  • Know how to report - Most social networks let you report to them if you have a problem on their site. So if someone ’s shared an embarrassing picture or is being nasty to you, you need to know how to get help. Learn how to report on any site or app you use by visiting their ‘safety’ pages.
  • Know how to get help - If someone’s bullying you on a social network you should talk to an adult you trust, or, if you’d rather speak to someone you can call Childline on 0800 1111. If someone’s being weird or making you feel uncomfortable, talking about sex or asking you to do things you don’t want to do you should report to CEOP. Whatever may have happened CEOP will understand. You won’t be in trouble.

We have a wide range of resources for both parents and pupils to help keep you safe online, you can read them HERE.


PE Update

Strava Update
A massive well done to all those who have been keeping active during extra-curricular hours. A
special mention to the top two performers on the schools tracking app - B.Miles movement
time of 3 hours 13 minutes and H.Peck movement time of 1 hour and 15 minutes

Extra-Curricular Sports - Return in the Summer Term
Notice for all pupils; please look out for the extra-curricular information/posters around school after
the holidays, information will be coming out on how you can sign up for after school clubs in the
Summer Term. In line with government guidance the PE Department hope to re-launch extracurricular sports clubs after school in the Summer Term.


Results 2020

We are immensely proud of our hardworking cohort of GCSE pupils who have this year received an excellent set of GCSE results. These results reflect not only the years of hard work that they and their teachers have put in, but also recognise the consistently improving academic standard of the school.

We hope that, with schools and colleges opening their doors once again from September, each of our pupils can now put the uncertainty of the last few months aside and go forward with confidence.

Whilst we are proud of each and every one of our pupils, notable achievements include:

Pupil 1 - Grade 9s in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics, Grade 8s in Biology and RE, Grade 7s in English Literature and History and Grade 6s in English Language and German.

Pupil 2 - Grade 9s in English Language, English Literature and Biology, Grade 8 in Physics, Grade 7s in Chemistry and Computer Science, a Level 2 Distinction in Creative iMedia, and Grade 6s in German and Mathematics. 

Pupil 3 - Grade 9s in History, Physics and RE, Grade 8s in Mathematics and Biology, Grade 7 in Chemistry, Grade 6s in English Language and English Literature and Grade 5 in French.

Contact Info

Turves Green, Northfield,

Birmingham, B31 4BS

Contact Number: 0121 483 2890


Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

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