saltmine performance 3

Saltmine Trust Theatre Company

Performance and Interactive Workshop

As part of their PSHE work, Pupils in years 7-10 enjoyed a production entitled ‘Switch Up’.  It was a thought-provoking drama performance followed by a workshop programme which focused on the complex, interrelated issues of knife crime, gang violence and self-identity.

Through the workshop, pupils were able to question the actors, take part in a hot seating activity and were given some hard hitting facts about knife crime in the UK.

‘Today we watched a production by the Saltmine theatre company.  The production was about gangs and knife crime and how your life is priceless and worth more than gangs or drugs.  It was a great experience and there was also a good amount of interactivity in a work shop.  Some of the facts shocked us! The conflict in the production was realistic and affected the students watching.  I would like to tank Saltmine for coming to our school’

 Dominic O 

‘The play opened with a dramatic ending! The tensions were high and the purpose of the play, to educate about knife crime and gangs, was set.  It really spread awareness about knife crime amongst kids and I found it really interesting.  Not only was the message received load and clear, but the actors also kept us hooked with the brilliant play’

Jas S



It’s been a busy half term for Careers Education at Turves Green Boys’ School.  There have been a number of activities undertaken by KS4 to give them the knowledge and experiences they need to be able to make informed choices about where they want to go, post 16.

Year 10 and 11 Careers Fair

On Wednesday 13th October, Year 10 and Year 11 Pupils attended a Careers Fair on Wednesday 13th October.  Pupils were able to meet, in person, representatives from the world of work, apprenticeships and Post 16 Education.  Before attending the fair, pupils were advised about Level 3 courses, and the importance of success at GCSE.  Pupils were informed about BTECs, T-Levels, A-Levels and Apprenticeships and were able to meet with employers and educators who could provide specific guidance for each pupil.  Sam was really interested to find out about modern apprenticeships, including one in Archaeology and John was really engaged with how he could get on a Business course in September 2022.  Most importantly, pupils were able to start those conversations about the next steps in their education and training.

‘The day was perfect if you didn’t know what you wanted to do, like myself, for college there were lots of colleges and apprentice opportunities for you to look at and talk to some staff members.  I think it helped me a lot with what colleges I could pick for my further education once I leave Turves Green Boys’ and I had spoken to places such as Cadbury Sixth Form College which I really liked, Access College in Digbeth I really liked there too. There were many more to see and talk to.  I think it was a huge help for people who struggle to find a college that is good for them and what education they can offer you to do if you select there. For me, I want to be a teacher, so I would like to get into teaching and many of the colleges there offered that course so it was a big bonus.

I had a great time there and would love to do another it would really help’

Noah yr. 11


Year 11 University Visit

45 Year 11 pupils went to the Birmingham University on Monday 13th September, to see the value of hard work in Year 11 and where academic success can lead to. 


‘We learnt about ways of managing our wellbeing, which are applicable to everyday life, rather than only university

The first introductory session made me realise the importance of GCSEs and the extent of their impact.  GCSE results are more important to universities than the predictions that A-Level teachers will make.

The student testimonials were also helpful, as they provided alternative ways of university education, such as an apprentice degree.

The talk on Russell Group Universities gave a brief history of recent universities, whilst listing the university's accomplishments and other universities' academic prestige’


‘My highlights of the day were:  having good examples of wellbeing and a more in depth view of how to maintain a good wellbeing and showing us the jobs which now require degrees or jobs which we may not have thought needed them. The environment was good as it didn't hinder or obstruct anyone and had enough space for people to work comfortably They also showed us the difference in pay for someone with a degree, which was considerably higher.’

Well Done-01

GCSE Results 2021

We are proud of the excellent GCSE results achieved by pupils at Turves Green Boys’ School this year. Pupils have shown incredible resilience, determination and tenacity to overcome the adversity of the last 18 months. We are delighted with the progress and attainment of all of our Year 11 pupils and please to see the vast majority progressing to their first choice destination for post 16 study. 

A number of our pupils achieved notable successes: J Nixon, with 5 grade 7s and 3 grade 8s; O Sandford with 3 grade 7s and 3 grade 8s; D Spooner is planning on studying A Levels in Maths, Physics and Computer Science after gaining 1 grade 7, 1 grade 8 and a superb 4 grade 9s.  Also, J Nkusu who achieved 2 grade 8s and a phenomenal 5 grade 9s will be going on to the University of Birmingham school sixth form to study A Levels.

Well done year 11!


Stay Safe in the Sun

Due to travel restriction it looks like many of us will be staying home this summer, with that in mind I’m sure we all have our fingers crossed for some nice weather this August. But let’s spare a thought for Canada who has just experienced record breaking temperatures in a 1 in 1000-year heatwave. That means there is a 1 in a 1000 chance of an event like this occurring in any given year. During this heatwave Canada recorded its highest ever temperature of 49.6C. Now that’s hot! To put that in context the Sahara Desert, one of the hottest and driest places on earth, has an average temperature of 35C in its summer months.

One of the key themes studied in geography is that of climate change, it is considered by many world leaders to be the biggest threat to life on earth as we know it. Scientists say that Canada’s heatwave was "virtually impossible" without climate change and that we can expect extreme events such as this to become more common as the world heats up due to climate change.

Knowing our typical English summers, I’m not expecting temperatures like Canada has recently experienced, but just in case we are lucky enough to have some sun this summer here are some tips on keeping safe in the heat

  • Look out for those who may struggle to keep themselves cool and hydrated – very young children are particularly at risk.
  • Stay cool indoors - close curtains on rooms that face the sun to keep indoor spaces cooler and remember it may be cooler outdoors than indoors.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Try to keep out of the sun between 11am to 3pm when it is at its hottest.
  • If you have to go out in the heat, walk in the shade, apply sunscreen regularly and wear a wide brimmed hat.
  • Avoid exercising in the hottest parts of the day

Have a great summer!

basketball group

Sporting Success

Year 11 boys had their first competitive basketball fixture of 2021; the boys have been training regularly after school on Mondays in preparation. Our year 11 were physically a far bigger team; however, the opponents were more skilful and had played far more competitive games.

The year 11 boys flew into an early lead with captain S. N'Sapu Jr, scoring the first five points of the game with 2 baskets and a free throw.  Bloxwich Academy rallied and continued to work the ball. However strong defence by B. Andrews, E. Blake and A. Reid kept them out, and C. Kumeso controlled the tempo. 

Further scores by A. Reid, B. Andrews and E. Blake kept the scoreboard lead looking healthier by the minute. Bloxwich upped the tempo and their game becoming far more aggressive in the match trying to match our physicality. I. Dafe stood strong in receiving competitive challenges. S. N'Sapu Jr once again spear-headed a lot of what was positive regarding Turves play and with great rebounding and intricate passing, saw more points scored. This was backed up by some lovely shots from N. Zeray.

Turves' year 11 boys eventually ran out winners: 27-14.  The boys played with respect, without fear and with enjoyment. They were a great credit to the school for their performance.

Well done to the whole squad.

Contact Info

Turves Green, Northfield,

Birmingham, B31 4BS

Contact Number: 0121 483 2890


Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

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