
Creative Arts Showcase

The school's talented performers are diligently preparing for the upcoming Showcase on Monday 18th March. This exciting event will showcase the pupils' dedication and artistry through a variety of acts, including dramatic excerpts from Matilda, vibrant street dance routines, and individual musical performances that highlight each pupil's unique talents. The rehearsals are in full swing as the pupils put the finishing touches on their pieces, determined to deliver a captivating and professional-quality show for the audience. It promises to be an entertaining evening that displays the school's diverse performing arts Curriculum.

The doors will open at 6:00pm, at which time guests can explore the pupil art exhibition while enjoying light refreshments. Following this the performances will take place in the school Main Hall from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. Secure your spot for this not-to-be-missed event by purchasing tickets, available now at the front office. We look forward to celebrating the arts with you!


County Lines Awareness Week

At Turves Green Boys’ School, the safety and well-being of our pupils takes precedence above all else. During the week commencing Monday, March 4th, 2024, we observed County Lines Awareness Week. Pupils across all year groups participated in activities dedicated to raising awareness about this issue. These activities included an extended assembly conducted by Mr. Rogers, Assistant Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead. The assembly aimed to ensure that pupils grasp the concept of County Lines, understand who is vulnerable, recognise the signs of exploitation, and know what steps to take if they or someone they know might be at risk.

It was wonderful to see all pupils engage with this topic maturely, sparking insightful discussions between pupils and staff.


Get Caught Reading

A further part of our World Book Day celebrations was our fabulous staff ‘Get Caught Reading’ competition. Staff dressed up in some weird and wonderful outfits as well as posing in unusual places whilst reading. Photos were collated, and pupils guessed who was who during form time. The pupils to guess the most from correctly won tokens from our book rewards vending machine.


Warhammer Alliance visits Warhammer World

On Wednesday over 30 students from the Warhammer Alliance visited the home of Warhammer in Nottingham, Warhammer World, where all Warhammer models are designed and made.

Whilst there students got to visit the exhibit hall which displays the professionally painted miniatures used on the websites and box art as well as the huge dioramas. This included the largest Warhammer diorama in the world called the Battle for Angelus Prime where students searched to find a hidden assassin for a chance to win their own to take home. Unfortunately, even with a close called by J. Jeremy 9A2, the assassin remained hidden.

We stopped for lunch in Bugmans bar. A fantasy themed dwarven bar with helmet, shields and weapons on the wall, as well as a decapitated orc head. The rest of our day was spent in the gaming hall where students received free starter models from the staff at Warhammer World that they could build, paint and then take home with them.

Students also got to visit the Warhammer shop and purchase models to take home and build at Warhammer Alliance through the rest of the year. With it also being Warhammer Worlds Store anniversary, many students were also able to get some free pins and coins along with their purchases. Students had a fantastic time and took part in a mini photography competition whilst there too. The results of which will be announced at Warhammer Alliance next week.


Wellbeing Conference

Today we welcomed Dr Eve Griffiths and Antonia Thomas from Outreach, who delivered training to Matrix staff on understanding the effects ACES and trauma can have on our pupils' mental health, behaviour and understanding, as well as how we can facilitate restorative conversations in school.  We learnt innovative new ways to support our pupils in building and maintaining positive, healthy relationships, resolving difficulties and repairing harm when there has been conflict. Thank you Outreach!


Local author Errol Lawson celebrates World Book Day at TGBS!

Local author, entrepreneur and leadership coach joined us at Turves Green Boy’s School on Thursday 7th March to promote reading for World Book Day. Errol, from a challenging background in inner city Birmingham, gave a series of talks for all pupils over the course of the day.

The talks reflected on his struggle to escape a life of gangs through reading and remaining focused. His key messages of taking responsibility for your actions and being courageous resonated with the boys. His powerful manner of sharing his experiences allowed the boys to think about their current and future actions.

We chose Errol Lawson, as an entrepreneur, to coincide with our wider work during Careers Week.

As well as giving talks about his books, a few selected pupils were chosen to take part in one of his workshops based on his book ‘teenpreneur’. Pupils heard a little about how Lawson set up his initial business before having a go at pitching themselves. The boys were nervous to begin with, however, each one found the courage to stand up and speak in public. Errol gave the boys the confidence to promote themselves positively and think about their futures.

Look out for more from our World Book Day celebrations.


Long Service

A huge congratulations our staff who attended the annual Matrix Academy Trust long service celebration meal last Friday. They joined colleagues from across the trust at the wonderful BANK.  Racking up over 700 years’ service collectively across the trust.  Another huge thank you to you all for your continued dedication to our community. 


Turves is getting greener!

Thanks to another generous donation of saplings from #WoodlandTrust, our pupils have been working towards their #EcoSchools award by planting more hedging to encourage more biodiversity into our outside space.

The first crops have also been planted! Peas and carrots which the pupils have germinated have grown beautiful little leaves and are safe and snug in their new home with plenty of rich soil to encourage them to grow. We can’t wait for some tasty results!

Also, the pupils have decided that they do not have enough time to keep up with all the gardening and organising so have decided to dedicate some of their break time once a week to either building our greenhouse or working out in the garden (depending on the weather).

We have also submitted out application to the Royal Horticultural Society to try and secure funding so we can purchase tools and equipment to support us in our efforts to improve our sustainability and encourage more wildlife around our beautiful grounds!

Keep an eye on news next week about the Big Plastic Count 2024!


Pupil Awards

Our reading reward vending machine has been celebrating pupil success in full force this week. Reading is a priority at TGBS and our books are carefully selected to suit all.

This week saw awards for:

Y7 T Lancaster for improving his reading ages on recent accelerated reader tests and scoring 100% on his quizzes.

Y8 E Foyle for being the first to read a fabulous 3 of our 16 recommended reads by the time you’re 16

Y9 S Abdi Hersi for most Class Charts points since Christmas

Y10 C Greening for excellent effort and attainment in BTEC Sport practical and coursework

Y11 S Ahmed for superb revision and mature approach to his final mock examinations.

Pupils are selected by staff and Heads of House for a variety of positive contributions and upholding our TURVES Values, underpinned by British Values.


SEND Coffee Morning

I would like to express a huge thank you to all of the parents who came to join me for another SEND coffee morning in February. We discussed the many opportunities the pupils are given within our Department and how we, as a school, work hard to ensure we offer those reasonable adjustments which prove vital to ensure each pupil in our care is encouraged to reach their full potential, both socially and academically within school and in preparation for adulthood.

Thank you all for your continued support, Mrs Green.

Contact Info

Turves Green, Northfield,

Birmingham, B31 4BS

Contact Number: 0121 483 2890


Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

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