
TGBS Pupils Make the Sea Cadet National Kayaking Finals.

Jack S and Jack W (9T1) are off to the Sea Cadet National Kayaking Finals in August!

Jack Smith won the Open Boys Double Marathon by over 10 boat lengths (roughly 20 meters) then come 2nd in the Open Boys Single Sprint and only lost by half a boat length, literally came down to the wire! Jack Wilson will be representing the South West Area in the National Water Polo Finals!

This is a fantastic achievement for both boys and it’s not achieved by many cadets.  Our very own Miss Handley (the commanding Officer), said, “I was absolutely bursting with pride!” and that she herself only managed to make the finals once as a Cadet.  Well done boys, and good luck for the finals!


Year 10 Careers Week

Monday 11th July

There were two college trips, Birmingham Met College and University College Birmingham. Both colleges organised various taster sessions to introduce Year 10s to a range of vocational areas. BMET College offered tasters in engineering, plumbing and electrical installation. UCB have a wide range of courses available including professional chef, business, sport and Health & social care. All college open events will take place in the Autumn term, usually in October or November.

Tuesday 12th July

TGBS invited King Edwards Stourbridge Sixth Form College, RAF and Heart of Worcester College into the school.

Each group of year 10 students attended each session. KE 6th Form College offers a good range of A levels, Heart of Worcester have a wide selection of vocation subjects and RAF explained about their opportunities available to young people.

Wednesday 13th July – Festival of Sport

PE Department organised a great day of sport related sessions. Each Year 10 group attended a session that focused of sport related careers/pathways, first aid, Sport performance tournament and job specific fitness tests and how each test is set by the employer.

Redditch Utd Football development programme also delivered a session on post 16 and university level sport courses.

Thursday 14th July

Small group of Year 10s visited an apprenticeship provider MGTS in Redditch. MGTS offers a good level of engineering apprenticeship starting at Advanced level 3. MGTS work with companies such as Warburtons, Thorlux. Applications will open in October / November for Year 11s. 30 year 10 students visited Lander Automotive. Lander recruit apprenticeships every year and they explained about the apprenticeship programme and the application process. Lander are a local business based in Woodgate Valley.

The rest of Year 10 attended Solihull College for a college taster and were introduced to new vocational subjects – Animal Welfare, Digital Media, Theatrical make up and Early Years.

Thursday afternoon there was a KUDOS Careers sessions and Cadbury 6th Form College delivered a workshop on Post 16 qualifications.

Friday 15th July

This was the final day of Year 10 Careers week. There were five different sessions taking place as well as mock interviews.

Army – Delivered a presentation on the careers within the army and a STEM/ Team exercise on the astro turf.

Jacobs – This session was to introduce Year 10s to civil engineering and the wide range of projects a civil engineer could be working on. The facilitator talked about her pathway into civil engineering and the importance of qualifications.

NHS Training-  Delivered a workshop on the different roles required within the NHS and the qualifications required. Qualifications can be gained through university education or an apprenticeship.

NVQ-Centre- This workshop was about apprenticeships, how they worked and the opportunities NVQ-Centre could offer. They explained about employability skills and what employers will look for in an application.

Cadbury 6th form College- Ran a session an interactive critical thinking session. Encouraging Year 10 to research their options after Year 11.


Warm Weather

We recommend that pupils do not bring blazers or jumpers to school for the remainder of term. All other uniform needs to be the same.

Please ensure your child has a refillable water bottle with them. There are water machines throughout the school building.


Anti-Bullying Ambassadors ‘The Diana Award’

On Wednesday 13th July 2022, Turves Green Boys School and Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School joined forces with 10 pupils becoming anti- bullying ambassadors for the 'Diana award' for their respected schools. The conference allowed pupils to learn all about bullying and how to action plan to introduce measures to combat bullying within school. The pupils involved had a fantastic day and are now looking forward to getting started with plans of leading on anti-bullying.


Induction Day

On Wednesday 6th July, we welcomed our new year 7 pupils for their induction day.  To give them a taste of life at Turves Green Boys' school,  pupils took part in a number of lessons, supported and guided by some of our new Prefects.  They experienced a Food Technology lesson, where they made shortbread biscuits; a 'Day at the Beach' themed creative writing lesson in English (complete with shells and sand);  a castle constructing lesson in History and a forensic investigation in Science.  Our new pupils were eager and enthusiastic in all their lessons and we hope they are as excited as we are for them to join us in September. For further information about our induction process and Summer School, please follow this link: https://bit.ly/3OYFiOm


Turing Report - Germany

On the 20th June 2021, forty pupils from the Matrix Academy Trust, travelled from Birmingham for a trip to Frankfurt with the Turing Scheme. The Turing Scheme is a fully funded government initiative that funds a range of international opportunities for young people to go abroad and experience different cultures around the globe. Pupils for this scheme are selected via criteria provided by the Department for Education.

After 15 long hours of travel, we arrived safely in Fulda, a beautiful city one hour North-East of Frankfurt. Upon getting settled at the accommodation the first evening was spent relaxing and preparing for the excitement of the week ahead.

On Monday, the pupils travelled into Fulda for a guided walking tour. With three different tours on offer, each group was able to experience a different aspect of the city and share this over dinner in the evening. Pupils were taken to visit the oldest church in Germany and explore its history, the engineering around it and importance it has on the local community today.

Pupils also had the opportunity to meet German pupils from a local school with a meet and greet arranged in a local park. With a range of activities and games, some familiar and some new it was an opportunity to develop language skills and see how life was different for a pupil in Germany. During the afternoon, we headed to a local school for some German taster lessons and then to a lovely Italian restaurant for dinner, which would go on to become a firm favourite of the group! On Tuesday, pupils returned to the German school to experience a day in the life of a German pupil. Our pupils were fascinated to see how different school was in Germany, with one of the pupils even saying they would not mind going to school in Germany over the UK!

As the next few days followed, we had an action-packed schedule; visiting Point Alpha, a memorial to East German citizens and learned about the shocking history of the East German regime, pupils bravely conquered the high-ropes at an adventure park, which involved a range of obstacles and bridges suspended between trees, we were shown the sights of Frankfurt by a local tour guide, went swimming in an outdoor pool, explored the inside of a model heart at the Museum and visited Fulda’s very own palace!

Friday was a much more sombre day for the group, as we took a coach to Buchenwald Concentration Camp Memorial. Here, we learned about the horrifying actions that took place during the Third Reich and to reflect on what took place. After first watching a film explaining the history of Buchenwald, the pupils were led on an audio tour of the camp itself. This was an incredibly emotional day and all pupils showed the utmost respect while here.

It’s safe to say that everyone had a wonderful time on the trip. Although exhausted, we all returned to England with big smiles and new friends.

Comments from parents:

We would just like to say a big Thank You to all of the Staff that organised and went on the trip. Without the staff putting in this tremendous effort and taking on so much responsibility many children would not get these experiences.  They have certainly had extra challenges Covid restrictions and birds hitting planes to deal with.

“I would just like to say a massive thank you for choosing my two sons to go to Germany as part of the Turing scheme. They had a wonderful time and haven’t stopped talking about it since they got back. Highlights for the boys were the high ropes, swimming pool and the heart at the museum. They also enjoyed trying the different foods. It was lovely to hear that they made some friends from different schools and spent this evening chatting on the phone and have even arranged to meet at the weekend. Please pass on my gratitude to the staff involved for organising and looking after the children, it must have been a challenge especially when things didn’t go to plan. Thank you once again for giving them this wonderful opportunity which I am sure they will never forget”.


Turing Report - Spain

On Monday 20th June, 10 students and 2 staff set out for a week’s residential trip to Barcelona. We met the other pupils from the other schools in Matrix Academy Trust at the airport, just before checking in. For some of the pupils, it was their first-time experiencing flying, but all of the pupils fully committed themselves to the experience, a trait which was repeated throughout the week.

When we arrived at Barcelona airport, we met our bus and then went to our home for the week, the Urbany Hostel. After a quick meal at Glories, the local shopping centre, we went to bed to get an early night ready for the busy week ahead.

On the next day, we braved the Barcelona Metro for the first time, which was our main mode of transport for the week. We visited a few different sites around Montjuic, including the Olympic Museum and arena for the 1992 Olympics, and the cable car up to Castell de Montjuic for some impressive views over the city. After this, we got the Port Vell Cable car across to Barceloneta Harbour (Mr Larvan was not a fan of the ride!). We then enjoyed a lovely meal on the harbourside before heading back to recharge ourselves for another busy day.

Day 3 started with a trip to Camp Nou, home of Barcelona FC, where we had a tour around their trophy room, stadium and sidelines.  From there, we headed to La Rambla, where the pupils were able to soak up the culture of one of the most famous streets in Europe. That evening, we had a movie night, watching some of the latest film releases (although pupils were pleased to hear the films were in English with Spanish subtitles!). This allowed us to mix up the schools, giving the pupils chance to get to know each other more.

Day 4 was Gaudí Day, exploring two of the most famous works of one of Spain’s most famous architects. First was a tour of the impressive Sagrada Familia, which is still unfinished 140 years after construction started. We were able to see the inside and outside of the church, marvelling at the detailed sculptures on the outside and the sunlight shining through the stained-glass windows on the inside, spreading fantastic colours through the interior. We even took a bit of time to make our own artwork, inspired by the building. We left the Sagrada Familia and after a lot of escalators, steps and hills made it to Parc Guell, where pupils were given time to explore this large fantasy-inspired park, before meeting at El Drac, a larger-than-life mosaic sculpture of a lizard. As we headed home that evening, we started to see the fireworks and bonfires being set up for the evening’s festivities, which took place all over Barcelona, including right outside our hostel, until the early hours of the morning.

After a late night, Friday started with a well-earned lie-in, before a trip to see the Barcelona aquarium and an afternoon spent relaxing on the beach, followed by another delicious meal in the harbourside.

Feeling refreshed, Saturday saw us heading to see some of the wildlife in the Barcelona Zoo, including tigers, rhinos and elephants. After a wild day, we headed back towards La Rambla for a spot of retail therapy, before heading up to see the views of the city from the Palau Nacional.

Sunday was the day that some of us had been looking forward to the most, a trip to Portaventura Theme Park, which is home to over 50 exhilarating rides, including Dragon Khan and Shambhala. After a fantastic day, we returned to Barcelona before a final evening meal together and then a morning flight (and run through the airport!) to head back home.

Every single one of the pupils represented themselves, the school and the Trust extremely well and we were so impressed by their manners, fantastic attitude and willingness to embrace new experiences, whether that was trying new food, travelling abroad or going on cable cars. We hope that we have instilled an interest in travelling and have opened the pupils’ minds to see more of the world.

Comments from parents:

"My son, has just returned from the Turing Tour to Spain and I just wanted to thank the school for this great opportunity. He has come home full of information about the places he has visited, the friends he has made, and it is so evident just how much he has enjoyed it. I also feel it has given him a confidence he did not have before"

"I would like to say a huge thank you to all the staff at the Turing Scheme for giving my son an amazing experience and for looking after him so well - you are amazing"


Year 7 STEM Day

A group of our year 7 pupils took part in a HS2 STEM activity day run by The Smallpiece Trust, on Friday 17th June.

Pupils completed planning tasks, problem solving and creative tasks as well as learning about some of the science and engineering behind the development of the HS2 train lines.  One challenge was to create a bridge that could hold 2KG and allow a model train to pass through with just 40 paper straws!  It was an insightful and challenging day for all involved.  Well done, boys.


Big Bang Fair

On Wednesday 22nd June , Year 9 pupils took part in an educational visit to the Big Bang Fair at the NEC.  The event enriched the pupils' current science curriculum they are studying with practical demonstrations that are not always available at school.  There were plenty of stands that were STEM based. Additionally,   a range of demonstrations, shows and activities were available for the students to observe and take part in. There were scientists and engineers at the event, to inspire our pupils regarding college or apprenticeship applications in year 11. 


Turing Updates

Year 8 Pupils arrived in Fulda. They had a morning learning about the history of the town. Follow us on Social Media for further updates.

Turves Green Boys’ School pupils in Year 8 are ready and packed and looking forward to spending a week studying abroad in Germany.

During the week, they will be experiencing German schools, visiting a local castle, a Concentration Camp museum, the Cold War monument as well as taking tours of the local towns and the city of Frankfurt.

The trip of a lifetime is being funded through the government’s Turing Scheme aimed at broadening horizons and building partnerships with other countries. They will be joined for the week by pupils from four schools in the Matrix Academy Trust.

Pictured we have; Miss B Handley (Trip leader) C.Bosley, A.Evans, J.Farrell, K.Fisher, B.Grainger, J.Hadley, P.Kisi, S.Moore, H.White, Mr J Till (Headteacher).

Contact Info

Turves Green, Northfield,

Birmingham, B31 4BS

Contact Number: 0121 483 2890

Email: postbox@tgbs.co.uk

Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

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